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TNA Impact Wrestling Results (9/2) – New Champions Crowned, Dixie Challenges Jarrett, EC3 vs Hardy!

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TNA Impact Wrestling Results
September 2nd 2015
Report By Bill Pritchard for

Jeff Jarrett comes out with the Global Force Wrestling roster and says he was humble in his return to TNA, and he just wanted to help. He says they only got a taste of what he could do with GFW, then Karen says she acted because she wanted Jeff to get what he deserved. Karen says she had Chris “Adonis” Mordetzky take out Bully Ray and Drew Galloway, because she knew they would just jump on the bandwagon of whoever walked in here. She says she did what was necessary, then Jeff thanks her and declares tonight is the start of a hostile takeover. Jeff says he’s building a new empire, and he still owns part of TNA, so they can’t do a damn thing. He says they should all take a look because no one can compete with GFW, then Adonis says they aren’t impressed with TNA. Adonis challenges the whole TNA locker room to come fight him, and he is answered by Bobby Lashley.

Chris Mordetzky vs Bobby Lashley 

Chris ties up with Lashley but he gets backed into the corner, then Chris goes for a Master Lock before hitting Lashley with a forearm shot. Chris works Lashley’s back over before applying a headlock, then he slams Lashley on the apron before Lashley comes back with a German suplex. He hits a few corner clotheslines before hitting a delayed suplex, then he calls for a spear but gets shoved into the turnbuckles. Chris hits a spinebuster before calling for the Master Lock, but Lashley hiptosses him and hits a powerslam and a spear. Lashley goes for the cover but the GFW roster runs out and attacks, and the ref calls for the bell. 

Winner (by disqualification) – Bobby Lashley