impact wrestling

TNA Impact Wrestling Results (4/24) – TKO Night Of Knockouts, The Dollhouse Debuts, Taryn Vs Kong!


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TNA Impact Wrestling Results
April 24th 2015
Report by Bill Pritchard for

Kurt Angle comes to the ring but Eric Young cuts him right off, then Kurt says he saw a glimpse of the old Eric last week. He asks who he’s fighting tonight, then Eric says he’s always been called crazy, but winning the world championship took him down a different road. Eric says people got in his ear and it kept snowballing, but Kurt stopped it when he called for him to do the right thing. Eric says Kurt is wrestling the best Eric Young, the real one, then they shake hands and he says may the best man win. 

Austin Aries walks out and says Eric left his best friend Bobby Roode laying and cost him the world title, so they have things to talk about. Aries says Eric can wait his turn because he is cashing in his contract tonight and he will walk out of here as the new world champion. 

#1 Contender’s Match (Knockouts Championship)
Gail Kim vs Angelina Love vs Brooke vs Madison Rayne

Madison attacks Brooke during her entrance and they all fight on the ramp, then we get back from a break to see Gail connect with some forearms in the corner. Angelina sends Brooke outside before she teams up on Gail with Madison, and they stomp her before slamming her on the mat. Madison kicks Angelina and heads up top, but Gail cuts her off and kicks her before charging the corner. Brooke cuts Gail off and tackles her, then Angelina breaks up a pin and trades punches with Brooke in the corner.

Brooke comes back with some clotheslines, then Madison kicks her in the back, and we end up seeing a chain submission involving all four women. Madison fights out of a headscissors first, then Brooke slams her down hits a top rope elbow. Gail comes in next with a missile dropkick, then Brooke and Gail call each other out and end up hitting the ropes and taking each other out with crossbody blocks. Angelina hits a reverse STO, then Gail hits Eat Defeat, then Madison hits a Rayne Drop but Brooke hits a wheelbarrow facebuster for the win. 

Winner – Brooke