impact wrestling

TNA Impact Wrestling Results (2/13) – Aries vs Roode, Snow Confronts Grado, Angle/Lashley vs BDC!

Madison Rayne walks out and mocks the crowd, then some music keeps cutting in and Madison asks for it to stop. She talks about how decorated her career is, and no one can stop her… but the music cues back up and Awesome Kong walks to the ring. 

Awesome Kong vs Madison Rayne 

Kong comes out and hits Madison a few times, then Madison knocks her down and heads up top but Kong hits her on the way down and ends it with an Implant Buster. 

Winner – Awesome Kong 

Matt Hardy comes out to the ring to update the fans on Jeff’s condition, but James Storm cuts him off and says he did what no one else could. He says he destroyed their hero, and Matt has two choices; he can pledge allegiance to them, or they’ll set him up in a hospital bed next to his brother. Matt says Jeff does have a nice hospital bed, then he decks Storm and tries to hit him until the rest of the Revolution attacks Matt. Manik gets him in an armbar before Storm says they’ll break his arm, then they pick him up but The Wolves run out for the save.

MVP & Samoa Joe vs Kurt Angle & Bobby Lashley

Joe and MVP single Lashley out and attack him in the corner, then Joe goes for a Uranage slam but Lashley counters and slams him down. Kurt tags in and suplexes Joe, then he suplexes MVP before hitting Joe with an Angle Slam for two. The pin gets broken up and Joe rakes Kurt eyes, then they attack him in the corner before Joe headbutts him. Kurt fights back and gets the tag, with Lashley hitting some clotheslines and a powerslam before setting up a spear. Lashley hits MVP with a spear in the corner, then he suplexes him and goes for another spear before MVP elbows him. Lashley shakes it off and Kurt tackles Joe, then Lashley goes to spear Joe, but Kurt puts him in an ankle lock. Lashley stops when he sees him, then MVP shoves Kurt towards Lashley, but Lashley sidesteps him, only to have Lashley get rolled up for the win.

Winners – MVP & Samoa Joe

BP: Lashley and Angle have words after the match, so clearly eventhough there’s a gauntlet match next week, Angle will “somehow” get the title shot. I say somehow because this is all set up for Angle and Lashley to feud all night, and it makes everything else they do kinda pointless. Overall a good show, but I hate when TNA very clearly sets one angle up for a title match, then promotes another “anything can happen” match or stipulation.   

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