impact wrestling

TNA Impact Wrestling Results (2/13) – Aries vs Roode, Snow Confronts Grado, Angle/Lashley vs BDC!


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TNA Impact Wrestling Results
February 13th 2015
Report by Bill Pritchard for

Kurt Angle comes out and puts his team over for winning last week, and he says the Beat Down Clan wants to control the title, but the best wrestler should have control. He calls Bobby Lashley to the ring and thanks him for changing his mind, then they shake hands and Lashley says Kurt shouldn’t get confused by him. Lashley says he really just wanted to get his hands on MVP, but Kurt says he didn’t just want to thank Lashley. He says it’s time for him to be World Champion again so he wants a one-on-one match, but the BDC cuts him off before he can say anything. MVP says he wants to make something clear before they fight, hug, or whatever, but Team Angle never beat him. He says Lashley wasn’t in the match so he never lost, but Kurt is right because the BDC does whatever they want. MVP says they’ll prove it because they are ready to beat them down right now, and they both have some they want to take. MVP asks which one wants the ass kicking first, but Lashley says he will fight any two of them… with his tag partner, Kurt Angle. 

Austin Aries vs Bobby Roode 

Aries and Roode try to outdo each other before Roode hits a dropkick, then he follows with a front suplex and some shoulder tackles in the corner. Roode goes for a Roode Bomb before Aries counters, so Roode hits a spinebuster and transitions to a waistlock. Aries comes back with some mounted punches, then Roode hits a diving neckbreaker for two and heads up top. Aries boxes Roode’s ears and hits a dropkick, then he hits a discus elbowing that sends Roode out to the floor. Aries goes for a suicide dive but Roode sidesteps, and Aries hits the guardrail before Roode rolls him back in and eventually makes Aries tap out to a Crossface.

Winner – Bobby Roode

Roode cuts a promo about how he respects Aries and shakes his hand, then he says he can beat a world class athlete like Aries, so he knows he can beat anyone. He says it’s time his world title comes home, and he wants a shot at Lashley, since Roode vs Lashley III was ruined thanks to the BDC. Roode starts to sum things up when Eric Young runs in and hits him from behind, then he drops Roode with a piledriver and taunts him. Roode is checked on and helped by some security and referees, but Eric attacks him again and hits a piledriver on the ramp before leaving. 

BP: I like crazy Eric. He’s been a thorn in Roode’s side with or without the BDC, and he’s making the piledriver look effective and dangerous.