impact wrestling

Impact Wrestling Results (10/4): oVe Battles The Lucha Bros and Brian Cage, More

Impact Wrestling Results

October 4th, 2018

Report By Lovell Porter for

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Rich Swann vs Matt Sydal

Sydal and Swann shake hands. Sydal points his finger at Swann’s third eye. Swann sends Sydal out of the ring. Dive by Swann. Swann sends Sydal back into the ring. Swann takes Sydal over with a head scissors followed by a scorpion kick. Sydal catches Swann with a boot. Swann falls out of the ring. Sydal and Swann trades punches outside the ring. Sydal crawls under the ring. Swann wonders around trying to find Sydal. Swann looks under the ring and Sydal hits Swann in the face with a foreign object. Swann runs into a sidewalk slam.

Swann lands a head kick for a near fall. handspring cutter by Swann. Sydal kicks out. Sydal tries his pop up ranna off the top. Swann lands on his feet and superkicks Sydal. Swann tries a pop-up ranna but Sydal turns it into a powerbomb off the second rope. Swann kicks out. Sydal tries his finish but Swann counters it into a head kick. Swann goes up top. All Ego Ethan Page runs down to the ring and powerbombs Swann into the ring. Sydal hits the Paige TurnHer for the win.

Winner- Matt Sydal

Backstage, Dave Crist is shook. HE is babbling about Pentagon Jr. and Fenix having mystical powers. Callihan says they don’t and they are going to call them out tonight.

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