rob van dam

Update on Rob Van Dam’s TV Status, NXT Tournament Begins Tomorrow, Cena’s WWE Schedule This Week

Update on Rob Van Dam’s Status

WWE made the decision to mention that RVD would be facing Seth Rollins on Raw this week just to keep RVD’s name in people’s minds, however there was no intention of RVD actually wrestling on the show. RVD did note on Twitter, however, that he is headed to Australia with the WWE crew scheduled for the tour, but it remains to be seen whether or not he will actually wrestle at any of the events.

NXT Tournament Begins This Week

WWE will be kicking off a tournament on NXT this week to name new #1 Contender’s to the NXT Tag Team Championships, and the first tournament match, airing this week, will be Enzo Amore & Big Cass vs. Jason Jordan & Tye Dillinger.

Update on Cena’s WWE Schedule This Week

In an update on John Cena’s schedule this week, he was of course not on Raw Monday night, and he did not work last night’s Smackdown tapings. Cena will be off all WWE live events for the rest of the week and is scheduled to return to the company on Raw Monday night for the final show before Summerslam.

Paglino: I thought the pre-taped video segments on Raw this week were well produced, but content wise, nothing was said that hasn’t been said before. Lesnar did his usual “My pleasure is other people’s pain” bit, and he told Cena he’s gonna get the “beating of his life” as he has 1,000 times before.

As for Cena, I liked him labeling Lesnar as a money mark who’s nothing more than a hired gun, but overall I really hope they kick things up a notch on Raw next week. The match is being built up by the two competitors as a war, but WWE has yet to give me the impression it will be. They have one more chance on Monday night.