WWE RAW Results (10/15) – Eve Defends Title, Barrett vs Sheamus, Punk’s New Opponent Is Determined

WWE RAW Results
By Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com
October 15th 2012

Big Show comes out and says Booker T and Sheamus have tried to make him look a fool, but they are the only fools. He says Sheamus found out what happens when he tries to Brogue Kick him, and Show says Sheamus is in over his head. Show says they had to do a "scientific challenge" on Smackdown, and he didn't want to do it but they all know what happened. He asks if he has there attention now, and he says he'll be hitting the champion at Hell In A Cell instead of a speedbag, and he'll be the largest champion.

Show says he is sick of people tweeting him about his 45 second title reign, and he says he will fix that tonight by facing Daniel Bryan tonight. Show demands Bryan come to the ring right now, then a group of Superstars are standing backstage and Bryan asked what they are looking at. He says he can't believe Show is still mad about that, and he's not going out there, but AJ Lee walks over and tells him she thinks that Show has a great idea. AJ tells him to go to the ring now, then Kane laughs in his face and Bryan screams NO! while Zack Ryder and Santino Marella scream YES! back at him.

Daniel Bryan vs Big Show

Show punches Bryan in the back and blocks a few kicks, then he grabs Bryan by the throat and shoves him outside as we go to a commercial. We get back to see Bryan fight out of a bear hug, then Show splashes him in the corner but Bryan comes back with a running dropkick to Show's knee. Bryan repeatedly kicks him in the chest and gets a near fall, then he hits a running corner dropkick and follows with a second. Bryan heads up top and leaps off, but Show catches him on the way down and chokeslams him for the win. Kane comes out after the match and laughs at Bryan, then Show winds up but Kane guards Bryan, so Show backs off and heads backstage.

Winner – Big Show