Breaking News: WWE Releases Former Superstar/Manager

Armando Estrada released the following statement exclusively to

"Espérate … Espérate … Espérate … 

Everybody, listen to me!

I would like to take this opportunity to let everyone in the wrestling world know that on 6/27/12, I was released from my contract with WWE.

What's that you say??? OH, you didn't know (Road Dogg) I was under contract to WWE? Apparently, a lot of people (including members of creative) were not privy to that information. I have been "working" with World Wrestling Entertainment for almost 18 months. I was only used once during that time period, making a brief cameo as Tyson Kidd's manager in May of last year. I was told I did a great job and to be patient. I have been patient for quite some time now while sitting at home "waiting for the call". 

It's not fun, trust me. Numerous creative ideas/scenarios were submitted during my tenure and unfortunately nothing materialized for me. And although my talents were not utilized this time around, should I decide to return to WWE in the future, I firmly believe that door will be open. Timing is everything, not just in showbiz, but in life. Thank you to everyone in WWE!"
Check out the full story on Armando Estrada's release and booking details on