Full WWE House Show Results: Sao Paulo, (Refutes TMZ Report)

WWE RawThanks to Carlos Pressentin for sending this in:

John Laurinaitis opened the show saying that everybody in attendance should say thanks to him because he is the reason the show was happening. Lots of heat on him.

Match one was Brodus Clay against JTG. The match was longer than what we usually see on TV, JTG did a nice job getting heat from the crowd. Brodus got the win in the end, with his usual moves. 4 kids joined him and the dancers in the ring during the celebration.

Match two, David Otunga defeated Alex Riley. People really like Riley. Big ovation when he went backstage after the match.

Match three, the Miz faced Zack Ryder. The Miz was arguably the star of the night. He first said he would speak things slowly, so we could understand. People loved it. Then he said a few things in portuguese, like calling the crowd "otarios" (suckers). The crowd was very alive the whole match, and Ryder won with the Rough Ryder.

Match four, a face Michael McGillicutty defeated Curt Hawkins. Not much to add here.

Match five, Kofi Kingston and R-Truth versus Primo and Epico. The heels said some bad things about Brazil to get some heat, and Primo actually pinned Kofi but he had a foot on the rope. Justin Roberts announced Primo and Epico as the new champs, but another ref went to the ring and the result was reversed. Kofi quickly hit Trouble in Paradise and the champs got the win.

After intermission, Kelly Kelly faced Beth Phoenix. The crowd enjoyed the divas match, and Beth won with the Glam Slam.

Match seven, John Cena faced Dolph Ziggler with Mason Ryan as his bodyguard. Nice pop for Cena, some boos and a "let's go Cena, Cena sucks" chant from time to time. Ryan was tossed during the fight after hitting Cena, then the ref was KO'd and Laurinaits and Otunga got into the ring and started beating Cena. Cena threw Otunga away with an AA, and Ziggler tried to superkick him but ended up knocking Laurinaitis out. Cena hit an AA on Ziggler, the ref got into the ring again and counted the 1, 2, 3.

In the main event, CM Punk defeated Chris Jericho with the GTS. Jericho was looking more like his character from 2 years ago, when he was a little coward (at one point, he tried to protect himself staying behind the referee). After the match, Punk got into the crowd and people went nuts.

The TMZ report regarding the issue with Jericho is not accurate. The police officer did not stop the match, a second ref did it, while Laurinaitis was on the ramp, and told Jericho to apologize.

Overall, an amazing event. When I heard two kids nearby discussing Kevin Nash's finisher, I realized WWE has a big market to explore here – which may be one reason they are being so careful with the Jericho incident.

Biggest pop: CM Punk, John Cena, Zack Ryder

Biggest heat: The Miz, Chris Jericho, John Laurinaitis