WWE Smackdown Results (8/1): John Cena vs Shinsuke Nakamura in First Time Ever Dream Match, AJ Styles vs Kevin Owens for the US Title

wwe smackdown results

WWE Smackdown Results
August 1, 2017
Report by Mike Killam for Wrestlezone.com

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– The show opens with footage of Chris Jericho returning last week on Smackdown Live, and AJ Styles winning the triple threat match to become the new U.S. Champion. We’re kicking off the show with a big rematch right out of the blocks.

WWE United States Title Match
AJ Styles (c) vs. Kevin Owens

Styles started out in control, taking the fight to the challenger with rights hands and stiff kicks. Owens took a cheap shot and attacked AJ from behind, slowing things down with holds and his usual underhanded tactics during the commercial break. The assault continued throughout the break with KO doing his best to ground Styles and keep him from gaining any momentum. Five minutes later we’re back and the champion finally connected with a standing dropkick and gave himself some space. Styles fired off with rapid fire kicks in the corner hit a big suplex to take the big man down. He went out to the apron looking for the Phenomenal Forearm but Owens rolled to the floor; Styles followed and threw himself over the ropes to take them both out. During the second commercial break of this match Owens got back control throwing the champ hard into the barricade multiple times. He rolled him back into the ring and slowed things down with a side headlock, clubbing away at the back to keep him down.

Back from break and Styles hit a running neckbreaker to get his momentum back. He hoisted Owens up and connected with the Ushigoroshi but only got two. AJ motioned for the finish and set his opponent up for the Clash but KO struggled out of it. This time Styles tried for the Forearm again but got caught with a huge superkick out of nowhere! Styles got his shoulder up just in time and Owens can’t believe it. He went to argue with the referee but turned around into the Calf Crusher. They teased a tap out but KO raked the eyes and threw AJ headfirst into the corner turnbuckle. Pop-up powerbomb attempt coming, but Styles countered into a second Calf Crusher! The challenger crawled his way slowly to the ropes but AJ pulled him back to the center, it looked like he was going to tap out, but Owens lunged his way to the bottom rope to break the hold. KO connected with two superkicks to the champion’s face, but accidentally punched the referee in the face. Styles rolled him up and the referee made the three-count, even though Owens had clearly kicked out.

Winner and Still Champion: AJ Styles

– Kevin Owens is livid after being screwed out of his championship rematch. He argued with Mike Chioda who kept saying that he got punched in the eye. They showed a replay of the pin and Owens did get his shoulder up, but the ref was partially blinded and couldn’t see it from his vantage point.