WWE House Show Results (4/13): Stuttgart, Germany

CM PunkThanks to Lucy Faku for sending this in:

1. Kofi Kingston & R-Truth beat Epico & Primo (with Rosa Mendes) in a non title tag team match. This was a pretty cool opener. At the start of the match Justin Roberts announced that John Laurinaitis made this a non title bout. Truth and Kofi were pretty over with Truth rapping and dancing, generally the in ring action was pretty good too.

2. Lord Tensai beat Alex Riley. I'd say this was the lowlight of the night. Tensai didn't get much reaction from the fans, A-Ri got a surprisingly solid reaction for someone who's not a regular on Raw (anymore). The match itself was pretty boring with Tensai dominating Riley until he couldn't get up anymore which lead to the ref stopping the match. As usual, Tensai got 'Albert' and 'A-Train' chants.

3. Brodus Clay beat JTG. About two or three people knew JTG, he definetly got the smallest reaction of the night. Brodus Clay on the other hand got one of the biggest pops of the night. The match was alright, Clay and his usual shenanigans got over extremely well. After the match Clay and his dancers invited two kids into the ring for the post match dance which was a really, really cool moment.

4. Santino Marella beat The Miz and David Otunga in a triple threat match to defend his United States championship. Santino got a really good reaction from the German crowd and Miz did a great pre-match promo talking "veeeeeryyy, veeeeeeryyy slowly" and doing over the top gesticulation so that the German fans could unterstand him. Miz and Otunga tried to take Santino down together, but by the end it was a legit triple threat match with Santino defending the title.


5. Beth Phoenix beat Kelly Kelly to defend the Diva's championship. Eve was the guest ring announcer for this match. This match was surprisingly good, but then again it was probably the first WWE match in ages that I watched that wasn't shorter than 4 minutes. Beth wins after Eve distracts Kelly.

6. John Cena & Zack Ryder beat Dolph Ziggler & Jack Swagger (w/ Vickie Guerrero). Needless to say, Cena was over as hell and there were the usual "Cena sucks"/"Let's go Cena" duels but the Cena supporters were definetly in the majority. Ziggler got a pretty loud (but mixed) reaction as well and was awesome to watch just because of his over the top antics on the apron and selling. The match saw Cena & Ryder doing double Broski Boots and Double Five Knuckle Shuffles (while Cena was wearing the Ryder wig). Really cool match.

7. CM Punk beat Chris Jericho in a No DQ match to defend his WWE championship. As expected probably the best match of the night wrestling-wise. They used chairs, microphones and brawled through the crowd. The crowd demanded tables but to no avail. Otunga did a run in, unsuccesfully trying to help Jericho against Punk. Also Jericho's entrance is pretty hilarious when you don't see it on TV and without fireworks. Great stuff by both competitors nonetheless.

Biggest Pop:
1. John Cena
2. CM Punk
3. Brodus Clay

Biggest Heat:
1. Vickie Guerrero
2. The Miz
3. Chris Jericho