WWE House Show Results (3/24): Puerto Rico; Del Rio/Rodriguez

Alberto Del RioThanks to Justin Santiago for sending this in:

First Match: R-Truth vs Leo Kruger

R-Truth came out with his rapping Whats Up? entrance, followed by Leo Kruger entrance with promo insulting R-Truth.

Kruger proceeded to mock Little Jimmy.

A nice match with R-Truth winning via pinfall after hitting his finisher. Match lasted no more than 10 minutes.

Winner: R-Truth

Second Match: Alex Riley vs Ryback

Alex Riley entered to a decently nice pop from the crowd, followed by Ryback. Ryback is pretty big.

Ryback won the match via pinfall. Match went for 7-15 minutes

Winner: Ryback

Third Match: Eve vs Kelly Kelly

This was actually a pretty good match. Eve came out first and cut a promo, saying that every man in the crowd would want to be with her (with positive feedback from the male crowd) and that the females envy her (to negative feedback from the ladies). Eve cut the promo in Spanish.

Nice back and forth action. Eve eventually won via pinfall, using the ropes for leverage. Match lasted 7-10 minutes

Winner: Eve

Fourth Match: Zack Ryder & Mason Ryan vs Alberto Del Rio & Ricardo Rodriguez vs WWE Tag Team Champions Primo and Epico (w/ Rosa Mendes) in a Elimination Triple Threat Tag Team Match for the WWE Tag Team Championship

First out was Zack Ryder with Mason Ryan, to a huge ovation for Ryder. Next was Ricardo and Alberto, cutting a promo on the crowd, insulting the Puerto Ricans and saying that they sold out and are not latinos. This brought out Primo and Epico to a HUGE ovation for the hometown heroes. Primo said that Puerto Rico is full of legends and proceeded to bash ADR, eventually calling him "Pendejo".

Ryder/Ryan & Epico/Primo worked has faces with Ryder's team being the first eliminated by ADR. Epico and Primo won with the figure four leglock, making Ricardo tap out. They then celebrated with the Puerto Rican flag. Match lasted 25-30 minutes

Winners: Epico and Primo w/ Rosa Mendes

Fifth Match: Jack Swagger vs United States Champion Santino Marella for the WWE United States Championship

Santino came out first to a MASSIVE ovation from the crowd. Jack Swagger came out to some heat, but not has much as Alberto.

The match started off with a stare down and was a decent match. Santino won by hitting the Cobra. Match lasted 10-15 minutes

Winner: Santino Marella

Sixth Match: Chris Jericho vs Kofi Kingston

A great match with plenty of offense and near falls. Kofi hit the Trouble In Paradise for a 2 count, since Jericho had his leg on the ropes. Jericho won after poking Kofi and hitting him with the codebreaker. Match lasted approx. 20 minutes.

Winner: Chris Jericho


Seventh Match: The Miz vs Brodus Clay

The Miz came out first to some great heat from the crowd. He then proceeded to cut a promo in Spanish, saying that he deserves to be involved in WM28. After the promo, Brodus Clay came out to a great ovation from the crowd. Brodus came out with both funkettes (who can really  move, if you know what I mean).

A great match with both men getting in plenty of offense. Brodus wins via pinfall after a big splash.

Winner: Brodus Clay

Eight Match: John Cena vs Kane in a Last Man Standing Match

Cena came out to a ocean of boo's (most heat of the night). Kane followed to a mixed reaction, with most of the crowd cheering.

Kane dominated most of the match, to the delight of most of the crowd. Kane threw Cena through a table for an 8 count. He then went and got another table and went for a chokeslam and Cena countered with the AA through the table for the win.

Winner: John Cena

Ninth Match: Dolph Ziggler vs WWE Champion CM Punk in a 2 out of 3 falls match for the WWE Championship.

Best match of the night

The crowd was chanting for CM Punk the whole night.

Ziggler came out first to plenty of heat.

CM Punk came out and the roof exploded. Biggest pop of the night.

Before the match got under way, a small Colt Cabana chant broke out, to the pleasure of CM Punk

The match started and there was plenty of back and forth action, with both men getting plenty of time. Punk caught a kick from Ziggler and did his "CM Punk is not Impressed" face. Ziggler hit a nasty looking dropkick and we may have seen one of CM Punk's teeth fly out. Ziggler won the first fall when he threw Punk into an exposed turnbuckle.

Punk and Ziggler then had some more back and forth, with Punk winning the second fall with the Macho Elbow, to the ovation of most of the crowd.

More back and forth until the ref gets knocked out, which brought out Jericho. Y2J hit the codebreaker on Punk and started walking up the ramp. Ziggler went for the cover for a 2 count. Jericho was in shock and came back to the ring, just to a kick to the head. CM Punk then hit the GTS on Ziggler for the 3 count and the win.

Winner: CM Punk

CM Punk ended the show celebrating, to the pleasure of everyone in attendance.

Biggest Pops:
1. CM Punk
2. Epico & Primo
3. Santino Marella
4. Kofi Kingston
5. Kane

Most heat/boos:

1. John Cena
2. Alberto Del Rio
3. The Miz
4. Chris Jericho
5. Dolph Ziggler