WWE Smackdown Results (9/19): Shane McMahon Returns to Confront Kevin Owens, Rusev Crushes Orton, Women’s 4-Way Main Event

wwe smackdown results

WWE Smackdown Results
September 19, 2017

The show opens with a video package highlighting Kevin Owens’ attack on Vince McMahon last week, before Tom Phillips welcomes us to WWE Smackdown alongside Byron Saxton and Corey Graves.

Getting right to business, Shane McMahon makes his way out with a very serious look on his face without the usual pomp and circumstance of his entrance. He called Owens’ actions last week cowardly and despicable, stating that he loved his father despite the fact that they had never seen eye to eye. Shane says that his kids had to watch their own grandfather beaten down by a coward on live television, and promises to bring down the vengeance and fury of the McMahon family upon Owens inside Hell in a Cell.

Randy Orton vs. Aiden English

English was singing about himself alone in the ring again, but got cut off by the Viper’s entrance music. I feel like I’ve seen this about a dozen times now. English apparently agreed because this wasn’t the complete 10-second squash you might think, as the melodious miscreant unloaded on Orton as soon as the bell rang. They brawled to the outside and English actually hit him with a big back suplex right on the edge of the announce table.

During the commercial break Orton tried to fight back and mount some momentum, but English kept him on the mat as much as humanly possible. He fired away with closed fists in the corner and connected with a quick powerslam, followed by a rolling elbow for a nearfall. This might be more offense than I’ve ever seen him get in a singles match. Back from the break and Orton has had enough, throwing some huge punches and backing his opponent into the corner, but got caught with a poke to the eyes and a quick one-legged dropkick. English climbed the ropes and looked to fly, but Randy dropped him with the RKO out of nowhere to pick up the pin.

Winner: Randy Orton