Ring Ka King

Complete 2/19 Ring Ka King Results: Morgan’s First Title Defense

The show starts in the locker room where Harbhajan comes to give a pep talk to Morgan as he was going to defend his Ring Ka King title.

In the other room Magnus, Dutt & Steiner are trying to form an alliance with Cash but he rejects and leave.

Match 1: Pagal Parinda (new Indian wrestler) VS Jimmy Rave- It was a high flying match between the two high flying wrestlers. Both wrestlers had respect for each other. Pagal Parinda won the match.

Match 2: Morgan VS Cash (title match)- A great fight between the two, some quality back & forth moves. Morgan won in the end to retain his title.

Harbhajan comes out with the tag team titles to initiate the match. Deadly Danda stayed at the ringside to stop any outside interference.

Match 3: Chavo Guerrero & Bulldog Hart VS Brutus Magnus & Sonjay Dutt- Another great between the two teams but Chavo & Hart won the match and the tag team title. Steiner tried to interfere but Deadly Danda made sure he couldn’t help during the match.

This is more or less what happened in today’s episode but I might have missed few things here and there as I couldn’t watch all the parts.

Along with Sunday’s episode details, here is some more information.

Since the start of the alliance between Magnus, Dutt & Steiner and their constant talk with a “mysterious boss” stating if they fail to get control of Ring Ka King then “IT” will happen or come. Today, I was going through Abyss’ tweet where he mentioned about “IT”, I am just guessing but I think they are going to introduce Abyss as the “IT” which will change the game.