WWE RAW spoilers

WWE RAW Results (11/19): Corbin Destroys Strowman, Rousey Defends The Women’s Title, Rollins Finally Gets His Hands On Ambrose

WWE RAW Results 
November 19th, 2018
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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In Ring Segment: Baron Corbin
Corbin welcomes the crowd to the A show. Corbin gives Stephanie McMahon all the credit for last night. Stephanie joins Corbin in the ring. Stephanie says it feels so good. Raw cleaned up last night. Smackdown didn’t beat Raw once. A lot of the success is due to Corbin. Stephanie thanks Corbin and the entire Raw family. Last night they proved they are the best. They are going to celebrate tonight. Corbin says Stephanie made some promises. Stephanie said she would consider making Corbin’s position permanent. Stephanie says Corbin is correct. Braun Strowman’s music hits and Strowman marches his way to the ring. Strowman said he held up his end of the bargain and now it’s Stephanie’s turn. Strowman wants his match with Corbin.
Stephanie books Strowman vs Corbin at TLC. Stephanie tells Corbin that if he can beat Strowman, he will become the official GM of Raw. If Corbin loses, Corbin loses all power. Strowman can pick the stipulation for his match against Corbin. Strowman asks about his Universal Championship match. Stephanie says Strowman will get his title shot at the Royal Rumble… if Strowman can beat Corbin at TLC. Strowman agrees and picks a TLC match for the stipulation against Corbin. Corbin says that match favors him and Strowman may not even make it TLC. Corbin books a handicap match for Strowman tonight. Stephanie turns it into a six-man tag match instead.

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