WWE RAW Results – August 10, 2009

WWE RAW results for August 10, 2009!

WWE RAW Results - August 10, 2009WWE RAW Results — PAGE ONE

August 10, 2009

Report By: Matt Boone for WrestleZone.com

RAW Opener: Randy Orton, John Cena & Big Show/Chris Jericho

WWE RAW opens live in a dark arena without the intro. Lilian Garcia introduces us to the WWE champion Randy Orton. The lights come back and Orton is already in the ring with a microphone. Orton talks about how he’s been hearing that he’s supposedly afraid of John Cena and wrestling him at SummerSlam. Orton goes on to talk about how none of our opinions matter and that at SummerSlam he will beat Cena. This cues Cena’s music and out comes John Cena. Cena gets in Orton’s face and talks about how he’s about to explode. He rips his hat off and gets nose-to-nose with Orton. He calls Orton a bully and tells him to bully John Cena. The two face off again and Chris Jericho and Big Show’s mixed-music hits, bringing out the Unified Tag-Team champions. Big Show says it’s amusing seeing Orton/Cena try to intimidate each other. Big "Y2J" chant breaks out, which pauses Big Show mid-speech. Cena tells Big Show his breath smells like Shaquille O’Neal’s jockstrap. Cena asks what they’re doing out here. Jericho says they’re out here because they’re in his home country of Canada. Crowd pops big for Jericho. Jericho talks about how he grew up in Canada, listing off the reasons Canada is great. Cena interupts saying Jericho left Canada to migrate to the U.S. to live. Jericho talks about having a meeting earlier today with tonight’s RAW guest host – Sgt. Slaughter. Jericho says Slaughter agreed to a one-on-one match with Chris Jericho vs. John Cena tonight on RAW. Jericho says tonight in Calgary, for the first time ever, he’s going to beat John Cena. Orton says maybe after Jericho beats Cena tonight maybe he’ll come out and punt Cena in the skull. Big Show tells Orton there’s actually something he should know. He said the reason Jericho got his match tonight is because he was standing next to him. He says he’s used to getting what he wants. He said tonight, what he wants is a one-on-one match with Randy Orton – and that’s exactly what he’s going to do. Big Show and Jericho’s music hits to end the segment.

-We see a close-up of Sgt. Slaughter backstage as Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler mention that he’s tonight’s RAW guest host.

-A promo for "the search for Shawn Michaels" by Triple H airs tonight, with a giant D-X logo on the screen as Cole/Lawler mention HHH continues his search for HBK.

Divas Fatal Fourway:

(Shot At The Title) 

-Kelly Kelly vs. Alicia Fox vs. Gail Kim vs. Beth Phoenix

Lots of quick pinfall attempts early. The first person to get a pin wins a future title match against Mickie James. Crowd is big into Gail Kim, who was billed as being from Toronto. Kelly Kelly tries to make a comeback but Fox and Phoenix double-team her. Gail Kim with a dropkick off the top into a pin attempt, but the pin is broken up. Phoenix gets Kelly and Kim both up on her shoulders for a submission hold. Crowd pops big for that. Fox breaks that up. Lots of big high spots from Gail Kim. Crowd is loving it. Gail Kim hits some weird finishing move for the pinfall and victory. Actually a pretty damn good match. Gail Kim gets a future title shot at Mickie James with the win.

Winner: Gail Kim

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