AEW Worlds End MJF Samoa Joe
Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

AEW Worlds End Results – December 30, 2023

Zero Hour Pre-Show

Willow Nightingale defeated Kris Statlander

  • Willow won via gut wrench powerbomb

Serena Deeb’s return is announced via a pre-taped vignette

Killswitch wins the 20-Man Battle Royal to earn a shot at the TNT Championship

  • Danhausen, Trent Beretta and Killswitch (Luchasaurus) were the final three in the match. Trent turned on Danhausen and threw him over the ropes. Trent brought the fight to Killswitch and ended up on the apron, but Killswitch caught him with an elbow and knocked him off of the apron to win. 

FTW Championship: HOOK defeated Wheeler Yuta to retain

  • HOOK choked Yuta out with the handle of a hockey stick

Main Show

Blackpool Combat Club (Claudio Castagnoli and Bryan Danielson), Mark Briscoe, and Daniel Garcia defeated Brody King, Jay White, Jay Lethal, and Rush

  • Daniel Garcia pinned Jay Lethal

Andrade El Idolo (w/ CJ Perry) vs. Miro

Miro immediately attacks Andrade during his entrance. Andrade whips him outside to catch a breather, then goes for a suicide dive. Miro catches him with a forearm before Andrade goes for a Figure Four. CJ screams at Miro and says, ‘Is this what you wanted’ and waves her surgically-repaired finger at him. After some back and forth, Andrade shoves Miro over the commentary table, then reverses a whip into the steps.

Andrade goes for a running move in the corner but Miro rolls outside. Andrade refocuses and hits a springboard moonsault on the floor, then whips Miro into the ring steps. Miro avoids a moonsault, but can’t avoid the next one and Andrade gets two. Miro mounts a comeback and goes for the Accolade, but can’t quite hook it in. Andrade gets another near fall and calls for a Figure Four, but Miro refuses to tap.

Andrade bridges up and tries to get Miro to tap, but CJ slides in the ring and sweeps his arms. Andrade can’t believe what happened, then he turns around and gets caught with a roundhouse kick. He kicks out of the pin, but Miro makes him tap to the Accolade.

Winner by submission – Miro

AEW Women’s World Championship – Toni Storm (c) vs. Riho

Storm goes for a hip attack but Riho rolls through and tries for a pinfall. Storm counters with a package piledriver for two. Riho comes back with multiple near falls, and Storm gets the ropes on the last one. Riho goes up top, but Storm sweeps her feet and slams her on her head. Storm finally puts Riho away after hitting a DDT.

Winner and STILL AEW World Women’s Champion – Toni Storm

Mariah May comes out with a champagne bucket, but ends up throwing rose pedals around Toni as she celebrates her win.

Swerve Strickland (w/ Prince Nana) vs. Dustin Rhodes

Swerve jumps Dustin before the bell and whips him into the ringpost, then sends him into the barricade and ring steps. Prince Nana places a cinder block under Dustin’s ankle, and Swerve jumps from the apron and stomps Dustin’s foot. Doctors and referees run out to check on Dustin as Swerve sits on the turnbuckles. Dustin struggles to put weight on his foot and he’s helped up the ramp. Dustin stops and tries to go back to the ring, and Swerve taunts him from the ring. Dustin gets back in the ring as Swerve says they’re wasting his time, but Dustin calls for the bell.

The match starts and Swerve charges the corner, then talks trash to the camera while he wrenches down on Dustin’s neck. Dustin strikes back with some knife-edge chops in the corner, then gets a crossbody for two. Dustin hits some more uppercuts, then hits a powerslam for two. Dustin hits the Final Cut, but Swerve kicks out at two.

Swerve regains control and continues to toy with Dustin, as he snaps his arm back. Swerve leaps off of the top rope and hits the Swerve Stomp for the win.

Winner – Swerve Strickland

Swerve motions that he wants gold, then says they’d better not waste him time anymore.

Ricky Starks, Big Bill, Konosuke Takeshita and Powerhouse Hobbs) (with Don Callis) vs. Le Sex Gods (Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara), Sting, and Darby Allin

Big Bill and Hobbs swing Darby like a jump rope and whip him across the ring. Starks goes for a splash but Darby dives out of the way. Sting finally gets the hot tag and takes Takeshita and Starks down with clotheslines. He knocks Hobbs out of the way and crotches Big Bill on the top rope. Sting and Jericho hit stereo splashes in opposite corners. The opposition regains control and Starks heads up top, doing Snake Eyes off of the top rope. Sammy goes for a cutter but Starks blocks it and throws him into the ropes.

Sammy bounces back and hits a cutter, but Big Bill picks him up and runs into a powerslam. Jericho hits Bill with a Codebreaker, but Big shakes it off. Bill goes for a chokebomb, then pummels Jericho in the middle of the ring. Bill charges the corner and eats a big boot, but Hobbs takes Jericho right down with a spinebuster. Hobbs slams Jericho on the mat, then he picks him up for another. Darby splashes Jericho into Hobbs, then Takeshita takes Darby down. He ends up hitting Sammy and Darby with a German suplex, but Sting takes Takeshita down and puts him in the Scorpion Deathlock. Don Callis runs in with a baseball bat and makes Sting breaks the hold, then Jericho puts Hobbs in the Walls of Jericho.

Sting decks Takeshita and puts him back in the Scorpion Deathlock, but Starks breaks up both submission holds. Big Bill kicks Sting in the face and whips Darby in the corner, but Darby ducks and Bill hits the turnbuckle. Darby sends Bill into the barricade, then Sammy goes for a dive on the floor but Starks spears him and gets two. Sammy regains control and heads up top, hits a Shooting Star Press for the win.

Winners – Chris Jericho, Sammy Guevara, Sting, and Darby Allin

TBS Championship: Julia Hart (c) vs. Abadon

Abadon gets some punches in early, but Julia regains control and whips her outside. Julia chokes Abadon on the ropes and applies a headlock, but Abadon bites her arm to break the hold. Julia finally regains control and tries to keep Abadon grounded, but Abadon fires back with a spinning side slam. Abadon gets a knee strike for two and screams in frustration.

Abadon heads up top, but Julia meets her halfway. Abadon bites Julia’s forehead and the referee checks on her. Skye Blue runs out and attacks Abadon and hides under the ring. Abadon gives chase and pulls Skye out to the floor, then decks her with a clothesline and a knee to the face. Julia gets back in it and slams Abadon’s head into the ring steps repeatedly. Julia rolls Abadon back in the ring and hits a moonsault for the win.

Winner and STILL TBS Champion – Julia Hart

No Disqualification Match (TNT Championship) – Christian Cage (c) vs. Adam Copeland

Copeland rushes Cage on the ramp and lawn darts him headfirst into the stage. Copeland brings Christian down the ramp and attacks him on the floor, then whips him into the commentary table. Copeland screams at Nigel McGuinness to shut up, then he pummels Christian in the ring and laughs. The pair end up fighting into the crowd and Copeland dives onto Christian from an elevated staircase. They make their way back into the ring and Christian gets the upper hand, and Copeland is busted open above his left eyebrow.

Christian chokes Copeland with a kendo stick and taunts the crowd, then blows a kiss to the camera. Nick Wayne gets two chairs at Christian’s request, then Christian puts Copeland in a Boston crab while sitting on the chair. Christian gets a metal rod and tries to hit Copeland, but Copeland ducks and smashes the kendo stick over Christian’s head and ribs. Copeland applies a crossface, but Christian crawls over and gets the metal rod. Copeland intercepts it and uses it to choke Christian, who pulls himself to the ropes and away from Copeland.

The Rated R Superstar gets a ladder from under the ring as Nick Wayne checks on Christian. Copeland wedges the ladder in the turnbuckles and slingshots Christian’s face into it as Shayna Wayne looks on. Christian comes back with a kendo stick shot and an inverted DDT, then climbs the ladder. Copeland meets him at the top and goes for a suplex, but Christian counters and hits a sunset flip powerbomb for two. Christian gets two tables, but Copeland regains control and tries to take Christian’s head off with a chair. Nick Wayne runs in and takes it from him, and Christian hits Copeland with a low blow. Nick helps Christian get a table in the ring, and Christian props it up in the corner. Copeland and Christian fight for position, and Copeland finally catches Christian with a spear through the table.

Shayna Wayne breaks up the pin, and Copeland stalks her on the floor. Nick hits Copeland with the TNT Championship and hits a cutter off of the turnbuckles onto the floor. Christian catches Copeland with the Killswitch for two, then Nick and Christian pour lighter fluid on a table at ringside. Copeland takes them both out and lights the table on fire, then powerbombs Nick onto the table. Christian gets the title in the ring, but Copeland kicks him in the nuts and hits a Killswitch and makes the cover.

Winner and NEW TNT Champion – Adam Copeland

Killswitch attacks Copeland after the bell and chokeslams him through a chair. Killswitch holds up his contract from winning the battle royale, but Christian runs in and stops him. Christian asks for the contract so he can use it, and Killswitch can’t seem to make the decision. Christian whispers in his ear, and Killswitch hands it over. Christian signs it, and the referee rings the bell.

Christian spears Copeland and makes the cover.

Winner and NEW TNT Champion – Christian Cage

AEW Continental Classic Finals: Eddie Kingston vs. Jon Moxley

Kingston and Moxley feel each other out with a test of strength, then Mox takes Eddie down on the floor. They trade chops in the ring, then Mox hits a piledriver and gets a two count. Mox goes for a submission and Eddie bites his hand. They trade more chops, then Kingston takes Mox down with a suplex. Mox psyches himself up, seems to stagger after injuring his knee and falls to the mat. Kingston connects with some rapid-fire chops and screams, “You want 100%, motherf*cker?” at Mox. Kingston hits a DDT, but Mox fires right back with a cutter and a lariat.

Mox hits a Northern Lights Bomb for two. Mox goes towards the corner, but Kingston cracks him with a spinning backfist for two. Kingston hits a Northern Lights Bomb for two, then Mox slaps him in the face to rile Kingston up. They trade chops again, and Kingston nails Mox with a spinning backfist and makes the cover.

Winner of the Continental Crown – Eddie Kingston

  • Eddie Kingston is the ROH World Champion, NJPW Strong Openweight Champion, and the inaugural AEW Continental Champion

Kingston celebrates his win with his three championships. Kingston then kneels in the ring and smiles as Mox hugs him.

AEW World Championship – MJF (c) (w/ Adam Cole) vs. Samoa Joe

Joe gets the advantage early on and fans chant “F*ck You Joe” at him. Joe attacks Max and goes for a Muscle Buster, but MJF breaks free. MJF goes for a quick pin, then Joe tries to kick him in the face but MJF gets another near fall. MJF puts his hands above his head, alluding to not being able to do that do to injury earlier in the week. Joe throws him over the ropes, then MJF tries to skin the cat but Joe dropkicks him onto the floor. Joe splashes him on the floor as Adam Cole shouts words of encouragement to Max.

Joe hits a dragon suplex in the ring, then follows with a straightjacket German suplex for two. Joe goes for a powerbomb on the apron, but MJF blocks it. Joe kicks him and hits a Muscle Buster on the apron, and Cole looks shocked. MJF gets a bit of offense in, then tries to lift him from the turnbuckles and collapses. MJF goes into the opposite corner and stomps down on Joe’s arm, then dives on him to send Joe to the apron. MJF hits the Heatseeker for two, then he goes for an armbar but Joe reverses it.

We get an inadvertent referee bump, and MJF sees it as an opportunity. He low blows Joe in the corner and hits an MJF-5, but the ref is out and can’t make the count. The ref finally comes to, but MJF only gets two. Cole hands MJF the Dynamite Diamond ring, but Joe runs over and tries to choke MJF out. He is successful, and the ref calls for the bell.

Winner and NEW AEW World Champion – Samoa Joe

Adam Cole gets in the ring to console MJF as the crowd chants “bullshit” at the result. The Devil’s accomplices hit the ringside area and hold Cole while they attack MJF. Cole screams at the leader to hit him instead, and he winds up the chair as the lights go out!

The lights come back on… and Cole is sitting in the chair, with the masked men standing behind him! Mike Bennett, Roderick Strong, Matt Taven and Wardlow reveal themselves as the rest of the group, and they take MJF apart as he sits in the chair and watches. Cole pulls the Devil mask out of his jacket and holds it up, then tosses it on MJF, who is laying in the ring as the show ends.

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