WWE SmackDown Results wade barrett corey graves

WWE SmackDown Results (12/1/23)

WWE SmackDown Results
December 1, 2023

Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE SmackDown Results (11/24/23)

In-Ring Segment: Bianca Belair

Belair says her team came together at WarGames and did what needed to be done. Belair puts over each member of her WarGames team. The crowd cheers as Belair notes that her war with Damage CTRL is far from over. She’s coming for Iyo Sky because she wants her title back. Iyo Sky’s music hits. Damage CTRL (minus Bayley) interrupt. Kai tells Belair that if she wants to get to Sky, she must go through each Damage CTRL member. Belair says she’s fine with that. Charlotte Flair’s music hits. Flair and Shotzi walk to the ring. They both want a piece of Damage CTRL. Shotzi and Flair rush the ring, and a massive brawl breaks out. Belair, Flair, and Shotzi clear the ring.

Butch vs. Bobby Lashley w/The Street Profits

Before the match starts, Lashley grabs a mic and says when he told Butch to make a name for himself, he didn’t mean against him. Lashley tells Butch he will break him into pieces and asks if he’s ready for that. Butch slaps Lashley in the face. The bell rings, and Butch lands a big boot. Lashley picks Butch up and tosses him into the corner. Lashley beats down Butch. Butch gets a boot up as Lashley charges in. Butch sends Lashley out of the ring. Lashley gets to his feet and eats a diving knee strike from Butch. Butch follows that with a moonsault to the outside.

After the break, Butch knees his way out of a suplex. Butch hits the ropes, and Lashley flattens him with a nasty spinebuster. Lashley rams Butch’s head into the ring post. Lashley tries a Spear. Butch moves out of the way, and Lashley crashes into the ring post. Butch lands a flurry of strikes. Double stomp to Lashley’s arm. Lashley hits the mat, and Butch stomps Lashley’s elbow. Butch lays in a few elbows. Lashley picks Butch up and hits a running powerslam. Butch kicks out. Butch slaps Lashley again. Lashley turns Butch inside out with a lariat. Enziguri by Butch. Lashley bounces off the ropes and cuts butch in half with a Spear for the win.

Winner- Bobby Lashley

Joaquin Wilde vs. Santos Escobar

Wilde is all over Escobar. Wilde lands a dive. Escobar knocks Wilde off the top and traps him in the tree of woe. Running basement dropkick by Escobar. Wilde kicks out. Escobar works over Wilde. Wilde fires up and lands a rolling DDT. Escobar hits the Phantom Driver for the win.

Winner- Santos Escobar

After the match, Escobar beats down Wilde. Dragon Lee hits the ring. Escobar runs away. While Lee is checking on Wilde, Escobar tries to attack him from behind. Lee sends Escobar flying with a rana. Corner dropkick by Lee. Escobar ends up laid out in the corner. Delayed dropkick by Lee.

Backstage, Logan Paul arrives and shakes hands with SmackDown GM Nick Aldis.

In-Ring Segment: Logan Paul

Paul says he has a question for every fake friend and doubter out there: where are you now? Paul jokes about the fact that he achieved this goal faster than all the jealous people in the back. He spoke to Nick Aldis, and to determine his next challenger, there is going to be a tournament. That tournament will include one star from NXT, Dragon Lee, Santos Escobar, Austin Theory, Karrion Kross, Grayson Waller, and Kevin Owens.

Owens’s music hits, and he joins Paul in the ring. Owens tells Paul his days as United States Champion are over. Paul says he only needs six seconds to KO KO. Owens tells Paul WWE is his world. Grayson Waller and Austin Theory interrupt. Theory starts to speak and gets punched in the face by Owens. Owens and Paul have a standoff in the ring while Waller checks on Theory.

Backstage, Adam Pearce is in Nick Aldis office. Pearce is upset Aldis is trying to sign Randy Orton. Pearce says he’ll be in the ring tonight trying to do the same thing.

Kevin Owens vs. Grayson Waller w/Austin Theory

Logan Paul is at the commentary desk for this match. Owens works over Waller. Waller gets tossed out of the ring. Owens crashes Waller with a splash off the apron. Wallers sends Owens into the ring steps. Theory stomps on Owens’ hand. Waller works over Owens’ hand. After the break, Owens lands a splash off the top. Waller stuns Owens’ hand on the top rope. Waller tries the Rolling Thunder Stunner, but Owens avoids it. Corner cannonball by Owens. Swanton Bomb by Owens. Waller kicks out. Waller avoids the Stunner and steps on Owens’ hand. Armbar by Waller. Owens gets to the ropes. Waller tries to stomp Owens’ hand again, but Owens rolls Waller up and gets the three count.

Winner- Kevin Owens

Bianca Belair w/Charlotte Flair and Shotzi vs. Kairi Sane w/Iyo Sky, Dakota Kai, and Asuka

Belair flips out of a head scissors by Sane. Dropkick by Belair. Belair tries to slam Sane, but Sane slips out and grabs Belair’s braid. Belair clotheslines Sane. Asuka grabs Belair’s foot as she hits the ropes. Sane hits the ropes, and Flair trips her, but the referee sees it. The referee ejects Shotzi and Flair from ringside. Asuka gets in the ring for… some reason, and the referee ejects all of Damage CTRL as well. After the break, Belair gets a near fall after a superstar press. Sane drops Belair with a spinning back fist. Sliding D by Sane.

Sane goes up top and lands a flying elbow smash. Belair kicks out. Sane sends Belair out of the ring after countering the Glam Slam. Sane dives off the apron and gets caught by Belair. Belair Glam Slams Sane on the barricade. As Belair is getting back in the ring, Bayley hops the barricade and slams Beialr on the apron using her braid. Sane is confused. Bayley tells Sane she’s got her. Sane goes up top. Belair pulls Sane off the top and hits the KOD for the win.

Winner- Bianca Belair

In-Ring Segment: Nick Aldis and Adam Pearce

Aldis introduces Randy Orton, who joins them in the ring. Pearce starts talking to Orton, but Aldis tells him not to interrupt him on his show. If he signs with Raw, Pearce offers Orton the winner of Seth Rollins and Jey Uso for the World Heavyweight Championship. Aldis tells Orton that if he signs with SmackDown, he’ll give Orton the men who took him out (The Bloodline). Paul Heyman interrupts. Heyman says Orton will make no decision tonight because The Bloodline will make it for him. Solo Sikoa and Jimmy Uso hit the ring and attack Orton. Uso and Sikoa stomp Orton.

LA Knight’s music hits. Knight sends Sikoa out of the ring. Both men fight off. Orton hangman DDTs Jimmy. Orton drops Jimmy with an RKO. Heyman frowns. Orton takes both contracts. Heyman tells Orton to go to Raw because he’s safe there. Orton tosses the Raw contract and signs the SmackDown one. Orton drops the contract on Jimmy’s chest. Pearce and Heyman are both livid. Orton tells Heyman to call Roman Reigns and tell him Daddy’s back. Aldis raises Orton’s hand. Orton drops Aldis with an RKO.

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