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AEW Dynamite Results (10/4/23): Adam Copeland, International Title Match And More

AEW Dynamite Results – October 4, 2023

Welcome to WrestleZone’s live coverage of AEW Dynamite!

We kick off the Anniversary Show with Renee Paquette speaking to Chris Jericho and Kenny Omega backstage. Jericho reflects on standing opposite of Omega four years ago and now tonight they stand on the same side. Adam Copeland then walks up and says it’s great to see Renee and Chris. He meets Omega for the same time and Omega gives him a warm welcome. Copeland is stoked.

AEW International Championship: Rey Fenix (c) vs. Nick Jackson

They start with chain wrestling up front. They then try shoulder blocks on each other before Nick chops Fenix across the chest to stop him in his tracks. After trading chops, Fenix drops Nick with a sunset flip. Fenix’s back gives out trying to hoist up Nick. They move to the outside where Nick whips Fenix into the barricade. Fenix then tosses Nick over the barricade and goes for the running kick, but Nick counters with a hurricanrana onto the floor.

Nick hits a backstabber back in the ring, which weakens the champ. Nick goes for the PK on the apron but ends up kicking the post. Fenix capitalizes and kicks Jackson before collapsing again. After the break, Fenix counters a bulldog and catches Nick with a superkick, but Nick counters with two more superkicks and a roundhouse to knock each other down.

Nick backflips to the floor but misses Fenix. Fenix rolls on the floor only to be caught with a cutter. Nick spikes Fenix back inside for a nearfall. They chop each other while scaling the ropes before Nick hits an avalanche cutter. He covers Fenix, but Fenix still kicks out. Nick forearm shot to the back followed by poisonrana. Nick plants Fenix with a Destroyer for yet another nearfall. Nick hits two running knee strikes to the face followed by a BTE trigger, only for a two count. They trade roll up attempts until Fenix secures the three.

Winner: Rey Fenix (c)

Roderick Strong unveils a scooter for Adam Cole and they roll around the house in their respective wheelchair and scooter. However, their conversations are inaudible due to production issues.

Griff Garrison vs. Wardlow

Wardlow ambushes Griff into the turnbuckle and unloads with stomps. Wardlow plants Griff with five consecutive powerbombs before the ref calls off the bout. Wardlow leaves through the crowd in a hurry.

Winner: Wardlow

We see a recap of Adam Copeland’s debut at WrestleDream.

Backstage, Don Callis announced Guevara is medically unfit to perform. On the recommendation of Ospreay, Callis has found Kyle Fletcher to replace Guevara tonight.

We catch a replay (with audio) of Cole visiting Strong’s house. After input from The Kingdom regarding the scooter, Strong says that Cole doesn’t owe him anything because it’s what best friends do. Cole rearranges the furniture by flipping it over with one arm. Cole almost leaves before Strong asks for his help. To be continued…

The Butcher, The Blade & Kip Sabian vs. The Acclaimed & Billy Gunn

The Acclaimed clears the ring to start and then does a three-way scissor party. Caster throws Blade inside to officially start the bout. Butcher runs in with an assisted legdrop. Sabian moonsaults off the ropes to knock down The Acclaimed while Billy regroups.

After the break, Bowens dishes out offense to all three men. Bowes hits a bulldog on Sabian, but Butcher breaks it up. Butcher then throws out Billy for a moment. Acclaimed come back and position Blade for the scissor drop from Bowens. Caster and Bowens plant Sabian, allowing Bowens to cover for the win.

Winners: The Acclaimed & Billy Gunn

Confirmed for next week: Swerve vs. Danielson in a TNT contender’s match, plus Moxley gets his International title rematch against Fenix.

The final Portrait of a Star vignette airs for Toni Storm. She goes off on RJ City before he reminds her that she’s not old. She’s reminded that she is “timeless” and proclaims it several times. “Timeless” Toni Storm premieres tonight.

We hear from an emotional Bryan Danielson after he beat Zack Sabre Jr. on Sunday. We also hear from Hangman Page following his loss to Swerve. He’s going back to the drawing board.

Bullet Club Gold speaks

Bullet Club Gold comes down and calls out MJF. The AEW World Champ eventually enters and speaks from the ramp. MJF runs down Juice and the Gunns before starting an “Ass Boys / Talentless Taint” chant. MJF then talks about his accomplishments and reminds Bullet Club Gold that he’s always open and honest. MJF challenges them to a Stockton Street Fight, but they retreat. Instead, Jay White attacks MJF from behind and then he holds up the world title.

White leaves with the title on his shoulder. On the stage, White says he’s above games and he’s not buying what MJF is selling unlike the filthy poors. He knows that MJF is a coward and they need a truly elite champion. White challenges MJF to a title match at Full Gear next month. MJF grabs a mic and says “you’re on.”

Renee speaks to Orange Cassidy and HOOK about coming up short at WrestleDream. Orange says they would’ve been great tag champs, but HOOK is still a great champ. HOOK says Orange should be challenging Fenix instead of Mox. They eat chips while Renee remains quiet.

Chris Jericho & Kenny Omega vs. Konosuke Takeshita & Kyle Fletcher

Jericho and Takeshita start with brief chain wrestling until Takeshita shoulder blocks Jericho. Jericho gets back up and chops before doing his own shoulder tackle. Omega comes in chops in the corner. Jericho returns and tries for a single-foot pin. Takeshita gouges the eyes and hits a neckbreaker going into commercial.

Jericho hits Lionsault and tags out. Omega runs over both Fletcher and Takeshita before focusing on Fletcher in the corner. Takeshita breaks it up but then Omega rolls him through and hits Fletcher with a backstabber out of the corner. Takeshita back elbows Omega, allowing Fletcher to hit half and half. Fletcher catches Jericho with a superkick. Omega hits Kyle with a snap dragon before tagging out.

Jericho chops Kyle and places him up top for more punches until Takeshita intervenes. Things break down as Fletcher hits Omega with a brainsbuster and all four men are down on the mat. Fletcher and Jericho trade chops while on their knees. We come back to Omega and Fletcher trading blows in the center. Omega powerbombs and hits a running knee, nearfall. Following an assist from Jericho, Omega drops Fletcher with One Winged Angel for the win.

Winners: Kenny Omega & Chris Jericho

After, Powerhouse Hobbs runs in and attacks both Jericho and Omega. Don Callis smiles as he approaches the ring. Hobbs hits Jericho with a spinebuster and then tosses Omega into the barricade. They spill into the crowd where Hobbs chokes Omega with a guardrail. Back in the ring, Callis and Takeshita tape Omega’s arms to the top rope. Hobbs blasts Jericho with a chair and then strikes Omega in the gut with punches. Hobbs hands the chair to Callis and Callis hits Omega over the head.

Renee speaks to MJF in the trainer’s room as The Acclaimed are seen in the background. Caster walks up and starts rubbing his shoulders. MJF yells at him about the weird, stalker behavior. MJF declines to scissor and tells him to leave. MJF calls Adam because he can’t do this alone… except the call goes to voicemail.

We hear from Samoa Joe. He says MJF did earn his respect but when he’s hungry, he always manages to eat.

Skye Blue vs. Timeless Toni Storm

Storm introduces herself to Blue and then hits her with a lariat. Storm throws Skye across the ring by the hair a couple times. Skye gets up and dropkicks Storm into the corner. Skye catches her with a forearm but then Storm chops Skye on the turnbuckle. Storm hits a hip attack to knock Blue to the floor. Storm hypes up the messages from sponsors going into commercial.

After, Blue throws punches and takes Storm down with a headscissors. Running knee into the ropes followed by an enziguri. Skye hits a roundhouse from the apron and then lands a crossbody off the top, cover. Storm hits a sit-out, cover. Storm argues with the ref and Skye goes for a roll-up. She kicks Storm again for a nearfall. Storm wraps herself around Skye, but she breaks free only to get hit with a German suplex. Storm gets a close up before hitting hip attack, Storm Zero for the win.

Winner: Timeless Toni Storm

Jericho vs. Hobbs, White vs. Hangman are added to “Title Tuesday” Dynamite. Saturday’s Collision will have a special start time of 7pm ET and will feature FTR vs. Starks & Big Bill for the tag titles.

Adam Copeland speaks

Tony Schiavone welcomes Copeland out for his first Dynamite appearance. Adam says Tony’s voice was the soundtrack to his childhood, so this is a big deal for him. Fans chant “Adam,” and he’s never heard that before. Adam mentions wanting the AEW World title and is interested in so many first-time matches including Moxley, Omega, Miro, Hobbs, White, Juice. The main reason he decided to come to AEW is because his family told him to end his career alongside Christian Cage.

Adam calls out Cage. He meets Adam in the ring. Adam recalls how they became best friends for life and knows that Cage is wondering why he did what he did at WrestleDream. Adam warns Cage that Wayne and Luchasaurus will eventually drop him like a bad habit. But now, it’s time for them to team together once again to face teams like FTR, Young Bucks, to prove they are one of the greatest teams of all time.

Cage receives the mic and embraces Adam with a hug. While hugging, Cage says “go f*** yourself” and exits the ring. From the ramp, Cage welcomes Luchasaurus to serve as a warning for next week.

RELATED: Rey Fenix Says ‘Old Injury’ Has Been Bothering Him Since 9/22 AEW Dynamite

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