WWE Raw Results

WWE Raw Results (4/10/23)

WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Match: Becky Lynch and Trish Stratus (c) vs. Liv Morgan and Raquel Rodriguez

Lynch pushes Rodriguez and yells at her about attacking Lita. Rodriguez chokes Lynch and says she didn’t do it. After a series of reversals, Rodriguez tags in Morgan. Morgan lands a flurry of kicks on Lynch. Double stomp in the corner by Morgan. Lynch kicks out. Lynch manages to tag in Stratus. Morgan channels Stratus by Matrixing to avoid a clothesline. Stratus sees it coming and punches Morgan in the gut. Stratus sends Morgan flying with the Stratusphere. Lynch follows that with a leg drop off the top. After the break, Morgan and Stratus drive each other’s faces into the mat. Both women tag in the partners at the same time.

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE Raw Results (4/3/23)

Rodriguez tosses Lynch all over the ring. Twisting senton by Rodriguez. Lynch kicks out. Lynch escapes a powerbomb attempt and lands a dropkick for a near fall. Stratus and Lynch try a double superplex. Rodriguez knocks Lynch off the top. Stratus tries a ranna, but Rodriguez puts on the brakes. Stratus manages to take Rodriguez over with a ranna. Rodriguez kicks out. Rodriguez and Morgan land an assisted tornado DDT. Lynch kicks out. Lynch and Stratus try another double superplex, this time on Morgan. Rodriguez breaks it up and sends everyone flying with a tower of doom. After a bunch of near falls, Morgan ducks Stratus’ Chick Kick. Morgan rolls Stratus up for the win.

Winners and NEW WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions, Liv Morgan and Raquel Rodriguez!

After the match, Lynch helps Stratus up. Lynch tries to tell Stratus it’s okay. Stratus attacks Lynch from behind. Chick Kick by Stratus. Lynch is out cold.

Backstage, Byron Saxton tries to get a word with Trish Stratus. Stratus ignores him and leaves the arena.

Bobby Lashley vs. Bronson Reed

Lashley blocks a kick from Reed. Spinning back elbow by Lashley. Lashley beats Reed into the corner. Reed fires back. Hammer throw by Reed. Lashley explodes out of the corner and lands a clothesline. Lashley tries to set up a suplex. Reed fights out of it. Lashley tries again. Reed reverses it and suplexes Lashley on the top rope. Lashley and Reed trade punches. Lashley eats a boot on the way in the ring. Reed dives off the apron and floors Lashley with a shoulder block. After the break, Lashley fires up and lands a few shoulder tackles in the corner.

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE Raw Results (4/3/23)

Neck breaker by Lashley. Lashley finally lands a suplex. Reed stumbles to his feet. Lashley calls for the Hurt Lock. Reed struggles to escape it. Lashley can’t lock his hands. Reed falls backward onto Lashley. Lashley manages ot kick out. Thez press off the second rope by Reed. Lashley kicks out again. Lashley sends Reed flying with a sky high spinebuster. Reed struggles to his feet. Lashley tries the Hurt Lock again. Reed sends Lashley flying out of the ring. Reed and Lashley trade shots until they are both counted out.

No contest

After the match, Lashley and Reed tear into each other. Referees and Officals run down to ringside to break this up.

In-Ring Segment: Cody Rhodes

Rhodes asks the crowd what they want to talk about. Usually he has a singluar focus. After last week, it all seems a bit cloudy. At WrestleMania 39, under the brightest lights, he lost. He lost to Roman Reigns. Rhodes says so many are trying to place blame but it should be place soley on him. He lost and he’s sorry. Rhodes notes that her heard Paul Heyman say that to get another chance at the title, Rhodes as to earn it. That discounts Rhodes’ entire story. Rhodes doesn’t have to earn it, he is it.

After all that, Rhodes pics himself up, and comes to Raw to demand a rematch for it all to end with Brock Lesnar attacking him. The question is why. Lesnar looks at everyone and thinks “victim.” Is that what he sees when he looks at Rhodes? Rhodes admits that he is scared of Brock Lesnar. He would be a fool not to be. But that means when Lesnar blinks, Rhodes will strike. When Lesnar looks in the mirrior, he’ll see a victim, Rhodes’ victim. Rhodes challenges Lesnar to a match at Backlash.

WWE Raw Results Continue on the Next Page!

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