WWE WrestleMania 39 Night two Results

WWE WrestleMania 39 Night One Results (4/1/23)

WWE WrestleMania 39 Night One Results 
April 1, 2023
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

In-Ring Segment: The Miz and Snoop Dogg

Miz says he is the same as soon. Miz list Snoop’s accomplishments juxtaposed with Miz’s accomplishments. Snoop says it’s about the fans tonight. Miz runs down the card for tonight.

United States Championship Match: Austin Theory (c) vs. John Cena

Cena floors Theory with a shoulder block. Theory tries to bite off Cena’s ear. Cena goes nuts and tosses Theory out of the ring. Cena complains to the referee. Theory attacks from behind. Theory surprises Cena with a rolling blockbuster. Cena kicks out. Rolling dropkick by Theory. Cena kicks out again. Theory tries another rolling dropkick but Cena moves and locks in the STF.

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE SmackDown Results (3/31/23)

Theory bites Cena’s hand to break the hold. Snapmare by Theory. Cena counters and tries the AA. Theory reverses that into a neck breaker. Cena picks up Theory for the AA. Theory hooks the rope. As Cena tries to pull him away, Theory knocks down the referee. Five knuckle Shuffle by Cena. Cena locks in the STF. Theory taps, but the referee is down. Theory low blows Cena and hits the A Town Down for the win.

Winner- Austin Theory

WrestleMania Showcase: The Street Profits vs. The Viking Raiders w/Valhalla vs. Braun Strowman and Ricochet vs. The Alpha Academy

Gable immediately locks in an ankle lock to Ricochet. Otis gets a blind tag and runs over Ricochet. Ricochet manages to tag in Strowman. Everyone gets in the ring. A brawl breaks out. Ford eats a modified Hart Attack from the Viking Raiders. Sky high powerbomb by the Viking Raiders. As the Viking Raiders pose, Strowman runs over Erik and Ivar. Gable hits the Choas Theory on Strowman. Strowman kicks out. Dawkins misses a swanton. Ivar misses a moonsault. Strowman lands a frog splash (yes, you read that correctly).

Otis lifts everyone up for a tower of doom. Ricochet dives off the top and lands on everyone. The ring clears. Strowman freight trains everyone. Dawkins Pounces Strowman as he tries to run over Erik. Ricochet surprises Dawkins with a shooting star press outside the ring. Ricochet sends Dawkins back into the ring. Shooting star press by Ricochet bit Dawkins gets his knees up. Dawkins holds Ricochet in place as Ford lands a frog splash. Dawkins rolls him over in a small package for the win.

Winners- The Street Profits

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