WWE WrestleMania 39 Night two Results

WWE WrestleMania 39 Night One Results (4/1/23)

Logan Paul vs. Seth “Freakin” Rollins

Paul and Rollins lock up and trade headlocks. Rollins floors Paul with a shoulder block. Rollins tries a Stomp, but Paul avoids it. After a series of leapfrogs, Paul tosses Rollins out of the ring. Rollins double-legs Paul and lands a flurry of punches. Paul responds with a Buck Shot Lariat. Paul punches Rollins in the gut. Rollins tries to fire back. Paul works over Rollins. Paul tries a pop-up moonsault, but Rollins moves out of the way.

Rollins launches Paul out of the ring. Multiple suicide dives by Rollins. Rollins Stomps Paul’s hand on the ring steps. After a series of reversals, Paul knocks Rollins out with a right hand. Paul clutches his hand in agony. Rollins kicks out. Paul tries a Stomp, but Rollins counters with a Liger Bomb. Paul kicks out. Rollins calls for the Stomp. The guy in the Prime bottle pulls Paul out of the ring. It’s KSI (whoever that is.) KSI and Paul set Rollins on the table.

As Paul dives off the top, Rollins pulls KSI onto the table. Paul crushes KSI. Rollins sends Paul back into the ring and hits. Pedigree. Paul kicks out. Rolling elbow combo by Rollins. Paul surprises Rollins with a GTS. Frog Splash by Paul. Rollins kicks out. Paul tries a coast-to-coast Superman Punch. Rollins catches Paul in midair with a superkick. Stomp by Rollins. Rollins pins Paul.

Winner- Seth Rollins

Damage CTRL vs. Becky Lynch, Lita, and Trish Stratus

Lynch and co immediately clear the ring. Lynch tries a Manhandle Slam, but Kai escapes and lands a scorpion kick. Sky and Kai take turns working over Lynch. Springboard dropkick by Sky. Kai and Sky lift up Lynch as Bayley hits a neck breaker. Lynch manages to tag in Lita. Lita clears the ring. Lita hits Vertigo on Sky. Sky kicks out. Damage CTRL triple superkicks Lita. Bayley and co take turns working over Lita. Lita manages to counter a double suplex into a double DDT. Lita manages to tag in Stratus.

Stratus takes Kai down with a Thez press. Stratus tries the Stratusphere, but Kai tosses her off the top. The fight spills out of the ring. Lynch lands a leg drop and immediately traps Kai in the Disarmher. Bayley breaks it up with a running knee. Status drops Kai with Stratusfaction. Bayley Bayle-to-Bellys Stratus. Everyone ends up outside again. Sky lands a moonsault that takes everyone out. Lita flattens Kai and Sky with a Litasault. Bayley sets up a Bayley-to-Belly off the top. Lynch reverses it into an avalanche Manhandle Slam for the win.

Winners- Becky Lynch, Lita, and Trish Stratus

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