WWE SmackDown Results wade barrett corey graves

WWE SmackDown Results (2/17/23)

The Viking Raiders vs. Drew McIntyre and Sheamus

Sheamus immediately tries a Brogue Kick. Ivar avoids it. Ivar misses a spin kick. The fight spills out of the ring. Sheamus sends Erik into the barricade. After the break, The Viking Raiders are working over Sheamus. Sheamus manages to tag in McIntyre, who clears the ring. Sheamus tags back in and gets clobbered by Ivar. Ivar goes up top. Sheamus cuts him off. Sheamus hits a Green Bay Plunge.

After the break, McIntyre and Sheamus land stereo ten beats. Sheamus calls for the Brogue. Erik tries to catch Sheamus, but he ends up dropping him. Erik picks Sheamus back up and hits a powerbomb. Erik dives off the top into a flying knee from Sheamus. Sheamus tags in McIntyre. McIntyre calls for the Claymore. Ivar pulls Erik out of the ring.

McIntyre dives over the top rope and lands on Erik and Ivar. Valhalla gets on the apron to distract McIntyre. Erik tags in Ivar, who hits a powerslam off the second rope to McIntyre. Sheamus breaks up the pin. Ivar lands a big splash off the top. McIntyre kicks out. Sheamus breaks up Ragnorok by Erick and Ivar.  Sheamus hits a Brogue after McIntyre lands a Claymore for the win.

Winners- Drew McIntyre and Sheamus


Asuka vs. Liv Morgan

Every competitor in the women’s Elimination Chamber match is at ringside. Morgan hits Oblivion, but Asuka kicks out. After the break, Asuka surprises Morgan with a knee to the face. Morgan kicks out. Morgan slaps Asuka. Asuka and Morgan trade strikes. Morgan floors Asuka with a second rope dropkick. Asuka reverses a roll up by Morgan into the Asuka Lock 2.0. Morgan taps out.

Winner- Asuka


Intercontinental Championship Match: Gunther (c) vs. Madcap Moss w/Emma

Moss tries to take Gunther down. Gunther forces Moss into the corner and lands a chop. Moss takes Gunther down and lands a few strikes. Gunther floors Moss with a big boot. After the break, Moss and Gunther trade strikes. Gunther destroys Moss with a chop. Moss hits the mat hard. Moss flips out of a powerbomb attempt from Gunther. Gunther misses a few chops. Moss runs right into a sleeper. Moss escapes and catches Gunther with a clothesline.

Punchline by Moss, but Gunther kicks out. Gunther crushes Moss with a nasty final cut chop. Gunther goes up top. Moss cuts him off. Gunther knocks Moss off the top. Gunther goes back up top, but Moss cuts him off again. Moss sends Gunther flying with a fallaway slam off the top. Gunther kicks out yet again. Gunther traps Moss in a sleeper. Moss tries to fight out of it, but Gunther transitions into a Gunther Bomb for the win.

Winner and STILL Intercontinental Champion, Gunther!

In-Ring Segment: Sami Zayn

Zayn enters to his original entrance theme. The crowd goes nuts. The crowd showers Zayn with adulation. Zayn gets emotional as the crowd chants for him. Zayn says every year, people point to the WrestleMania sign. It’s the most important day of the year. But for him. For Montreal, tomorrow is the most important day of their lives. It’s not going to be him vs. Roman Reigns. It’s going to be Reigns vs. the entire city of Montreal. Reigns is going down. Zayn drops the mic.

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