WWE NXT Results

WWE NXT Results (12/6/22)

December 6, 2022
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE NXT Results (11/29/22)

Triple Threat Wildcard Match: Von Wagner w/Mr. Stone vs. Axiom vs. Andre Chase w/Thea Hail and Duke Hudson (Winner Gets the Final Spot in the Iron Survivor Match)

As soon as the bell rings, Wagner runs over both his opponents. Wagner puts Chase and Axiom in a headlock at the same time. Chase and Axiom double suplex Wagner. Axiom surprises Chase with a northern lights suplex into a standing moonsault. Wagner press slams Axiom over the top onto Chase. After the break, Wagner sets up Axiom for a superplex. Chase cuts Wagner off and hits a powerbomb. Chase takes Axiom off the top with a superplex with an assist from Wagner on the way down. Wagner and Chase trade shots. Chase fires up and hits a Russian leg sweep.

Chase spells Chase U while stomping Wagner out. Wagner gets dumped out of the ring. Axiom lands a dive to Wagner. Axiom tries a springboard, but Chase kicks him in the gut and hits a tiger bomb for a near fall. Wagner breaks up Axiom’s armbar on Chase. Wanger sets up his finish on Axiom. Axiom reverses it into a triangle. Wagner slams Axiom to break the hold. Wagner hits a butterfly bomb on Chase. Chase kicks out. Chase DDTs Axiom and Wagner at the same time. Top rope crossbody by Chase to Wagner. Chase rolls out of the ring. Wagner stumbles to his feet as Axiom hits the Golden Ratio for the win.

Winner- Axiom

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