AEW Full Gear 2022
Image Credit: AEW

AEW Full Gear Results (11/19/22): Jon Moxley vs. MJF, ROH World Title Match, And More

AEW Interim Women’s World Championship: Toni Storm (c) vs. Jamie Hayter

Storm and Hayter feel each other out, and they’re evenly matched early on. The champion hits a hip attacking, sending Hayter to the outside. She slams Hayter into the barricade and onto the  apron. Hayter drives Storm into the barricade. Storm bounches Hayer’s head off the ring post. Hayter slams Storm into the barricade again. Back in the ring, she suplexes Storm and transitions into a slam. Hayter grounds Storm, but the champion rallies. She hits a diving crossbody for a two count. Storm gets a two count with a DDT. Hayter and Storm trade blows. Both women are down after a headbutt. Rebel comes to ringside as the two competitors keep trading shots. Rebel hits Storm with the title, and Hayter gets a near fall with a lariat.

The referee ejects Rebel from ringside. Storm counters the Hayter-ade and hits a lariat of her own for a two count. Baker runs in and stomps Storm on the title belt. Hayter hits the Storm Zero for a two count. Storm suplexes Hayter and hits the Storm Zero for a two count. Hayter gets another two count with a back-breaker. Baker tries to interfere, and Hayter accidentally collides with her. Still, Hayter pins Storm by slamming her into an exposed turnbuckle and hitting a lariat.

Winner and new AEW Interim Women’s World Champion: Jamie Hayter

AEW World Tag Team Champions: The Acclaimed vs. Swerve in Our Glory (Keith Lee and Swerve Strickland)

Bowens and Caster drive Lee out of the ring, and Bowens seemingly hurts his injured shoulder. He fights through it and takes an early advantage. Lee tags in and overpowers Bowens as Strickland slams Caster into the barricade. Strickland brings a steel barricade to the ringside area. He goes to suplex Bowens onto it, but the latter reverses with a suplex of his own. Lee lifts Bowens by his injured arm. He dives onto the arm with a splash and continues to target it. Strickland tags in and stomps the arm. Bowens takes Lee down with a reverse hurricanrana. Caster tags in and gains the upper hand with a one-man flurry of offense. He dives onto Strickland at ringside. Caster hits a leg drop. Bowens tags in and gets a two count with a cutter. Bowens dropkicks Strickland, and Caster hits a crossbody on Lee, sending him crashing through the steel barricade. Bowens gets a two count with a DDT.

Strickland drills Bowens with a kick. He hits another kick and yet another for a two count. Bowens evades the Swerve Stomp and hits The Arrival. Caster hits the Mic Drop, but Lee breaks up the pin. Lee tags in and flattens Caster with two clotheslines before he throws him across the ring. Lee pounces Bowens, and he lands on his shoulder. Strickland and Lee hit the stomp/powerbomb combination for a two count. Lee powerbombs Caster onto Bowens. Strickland gets some pliers, determined to do some damage, but Billy Gunn makes the save. Gunn gets ejected. Strickland tells Lee to use the pliers, and he doesn’t. Strickland slaps Lee, and the big man walks away from his partner.

The Acclaimed take control and slam Strickland for the win.

Winners and still AEW World Tag Team Champions: The Acclaimed

AEW World Championship: Jon Moxley (c) (with William Regal) vs. MJF

Moxley hits MJF in the face, and the challenger slams him. “The Purveyor of Violence” grinds MJF’s face on the ropes and bites him. MJF fights back and mocks Moxley with a strut. He sends Moxley to the outside and runs the ropes as he plays to the crowd. Moxley pushes MJF into the corner and bites him. MJF stomps Mox in the corner, but the champion levels him with a clothesline. He drills MJF with some forearms to the face. Moxley locks in an arm-bar, but MJF escapes. The champion continues to maintain the advantage. MJF spits something into Moxley’s face. Moxley slams him into the steel steps. The match returns to the ring, and both men are down after a clothesline. MJF hits Moxley with a series of strikes.

MJF slams Moxley’s head into the turnbuckle.  He sets up a table at ringside, but Moxley drops him when a cutter when he gets back into the ring. Moxley stomps MJF. The challenger hits a piledriver on the apron. Moxley drops MJF with a piledriver through a table. MJF barely avoids getting counted out, and Moxley drops him with a Paradigm Shift for a two count. MJF traps Moxley in a Figure-Four, but Moxley reverses the pressure and escapes. MJF gets a two count with a Heatseeker. Moxley drops MJF with a chop block and targets his leg. MJF crotches Moxley on the ropes, but Moxley hits an avalanche Paradigm Shift. MJF reaches the ropes to break up the pin. Moxley and MJF trade blows. MJF pulls the referee into Moxley’s path when the champion ran at him. MJF gets the Dynamite Diamond Ring and thinks about using it. Regal tells him to put it down, and MJF does. Moxley sneaks up behind MJF and goes for a choke, but MJF counters it into a pin attempt. Moxley kicks out and goes for the choke again, but the replacement referee gets bumped. MJF taps, and the referee doesn’t see it.

Regal slides his brass knuckles to MJF, who blasts Moxley with them. MJF then pinned Moxley to win the match and the title.

Winner and new AEW World Champion: MJF

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