AEW Full Gear 2022
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AEW Full Gear Results (11/19/22): Jon Moxley vs. MJF, ROH World Title Match, And More

Main Show

Steel Cage Match: Luchasaurus (with Christian Cage) vs. “Jungle Boy” Jack Perry

Jungle Boy starts on offense with some strikes. He vaults off the cage wall and kicks Luchasaurus. The big man drops him with a big boot and slams him into the steel. He grinds Perry’s head into the cage wall, and the fan-favorite is busted open. Luchasaurus continues to dominate, and he gets a two count with a sidewalk slam. He throws Jungle Boy into the cage wall. Luchsaurus eats a clothesline and tosses Perry into the steel again. Perry locks in an arm-bar, but Luchasaurus slams him off the top rope. The big man slams Jungle Boy again for a two count. Cage grabs the key for the door and unlocks it. Security officials syop Cage and drag him away. Luchasaurus attacks them outside of the cage, and Jungle Boy kicks his former partner. Luchasaurus launches Jungle Boy into the cage. Luchasaurus gets Perry back in the cage, and he tosses two chairs and table into the ring.

Perry rallies with two dropkicks. He kicks Luchasaurus into the cage wall. Luchasaurus sends him skyward with a back bodydrop on the apron. Jungle Boy hits a destroyer for a two count. He nails Luchasaurus with a chair and gets a two count with a Killswitch. Luchasaurus slams him onto a steel chair. Perry hits an avalanche sliced bread. Luchasaurus sits up, and Jungle Boy does, too. The big man drops his foe with a headbutt. He yells at Jungle Boy to stay down. Jungle Boy keeps fighting and hits a piledriver for a two count. Luchasaurus hits a piledriver of his own and slams Perry to the mat. Perry locks in a sleeper hold and places Luchasaurus on a table. He hits his opponent with a chair and climbs to the top of the cage, where he leaps off and hits a diving elbow drop through a table. He then makes Luchasaurus tap to the Snare Trap.

Winner“Jungle Boy” Jack Perry

AEW World Trios Championship: Death Triangle (Penta El Zero Miedo, Rey Fenix, and PAC) vs. The Elite (Kenny Omega, Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson)

Omega and the Young Bucks enter to “Carry On My Wayward Son” and get a big pop. Omega and PAC start off the match and trade some fast-paced offense. Fenix and Jackson exchange counters and kicks. The Bucks superkick Fenix, as The Elite gain the upper hand. The Bucks dive onto PAC on the outside. Omega goes to slam Penta, but PAC kicks his knee. He grounds Omega, as Death Triangle takes control. Omega tags Matt Jackson, who suplexes his opponents. The Lucha Brothers double-team Matt. Death Triangle continues to isolate Matt, but he slams Fenix to the mat. Nick tags in and clears house with a flurry of offense. He drops PAC with a bulldog. Nick takes the Lucha Brothers down and tags Omega. He drills PAC with a kick. Omega dumps PAC with a snap dragon suplex. Matt spikes Fenix with a DDT on the apron.

Nick drops Penta with a hurricanrana onto everyone else at ringside. Omega goes for the V-trigger, but PAC counters with a release German suplex. He kicks Omega, and Death Triangle hit triple Tombstones. PAC hits the Black Arrow and locks in the Brutalizer on Omega, but the hold gets broken up. The Lucha Brothers dive onto the Bucks at ringside. Fenix tags in and rocks Omega with a stomp to the abdomen. PAC tosses Fenix a bell hammer, and Fenix refuses to use it. Omega hits the V-trigger the Tiger Driver 98 for a two count. Penta dishes out Slingblades, but The Elite take him down with triple superkicks. They hit the BTE Trigger for a near fall. Nick stops PAC from using the bell hammer on Omega. Matt dives onto PAC and Penta at ringside. Fenix finally takes the hammer from PAC and hits Omega with it during a One-Winged Angel attempt for the win.

Winners and still AEW World Trios Champions: Death Triangle (Penta El Zero Miedo, Rey Fenix, and PAC)

TBS Championship: Jade Cargill (c) (with Kiera Hogan and Leila Gray) vs. Nyla Rose (with Vickie Guerrero and Marina Shafir)

Rose, Guerrero, and Shafir enter in a low rider as an apparent tribute to Eddie Guerrero. Rose takes a cheap shot at Hogan at ringside. Cargill gains an early advantage and sends Rose spilling to the floor. She hits a pump kick that sends Rose into the crowd. Rose takes control as the match returns to the ring, and she gets a two count with a splash. Cargill catches Rose with a boot to the face. Rose counters a dive from Cargill and plants her with a neckbreaker.

Rose hits a diving knee-drop while Cargill is hung up on the ropes. Cargill hits a Beast Bomb for a two count. Rose counters Jaded and hits Cargill with her own finisher for a two count. Cargill hits another pump kick and gets the win with Jaded.

Winner and still TBS Champion: Jade Cargill

ROH World Championship: Chris Jericho (c) vs. Sammy Guevara vs. Bryan Danielson vs. Claudio Castagnoli

Castagnoli and Danielson take the fight to Guevara and Jericho. Danielson dives onto Guevara on the outside. The two Blackpool Combat Club members double-team Jericho and Guevara, and they continue to control the action. Castagnoli and Danielson turn on each other and start battling it out. Jericho sneaks back in and briefly takes control, but the stablemates lock in a double Boston crab. Guevara breaks up the hold with a diving cutter. Castagnoli gets sent to the outside, leaving Danielson on his own. Jericho and Guevara double-team Danielson. “The Spanish God” targets Danielson’s eye, as does Jericho.

Jericho tells Guevara to stand by while he goes for a pin, seemingly frustrating his stablemate. Danielson fires up with a series of strikes. He kicks Guevara and Jericho. Guevara flips around and hits a Spanish Fly. Jericho hits a Lionsault on both Jericho and Guevara. Castagnoli hits a gut-wrench slam on Jericho and stomps him for a two count. Jericho catches Castagnoli with a Codebreaker, but Guevara breaks up the pin. They argue, and Guevara unloads with a series of strikes. Guevara hits the Codebreaker for a two count. Jericho counters an attempt at the Walls of Jericho, and the champion locks it in himself. Jericho puts Danielson in the Walls, but Castagnoli breaks it up. Danielson and Castagnoli lock in a double submission, but Guevara breaks it up. Guevara blindsides Jericho with the GTH and hits the Shooting Star Press for a two count.

Guevara hits Danielson with some elbows, but the veteran no-sells it and slaps him. Castagnoli presses Guevara and throws him onto Jericho on the outside. Danielson blasts Castagnoli with a running knee for a two count. Castagnoli gets a two count with a lariat. Guevara drops Castagnoli with an avalanche cutter. Danielson counters a Spanish Fly into the LeBell Lock, but Jericho breaks it up. Castagnoli plants Danielson with the Neutralizer on the floor. Guevara hits a Shooting Star Press onto the floor. Castagnoli swings Guevara, but Jericho hits a leaping Elbow effect. He hits another Judas for the win.

Winner and still ROH World Champion: Chris Jericho

Saraya vs. Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D.

Baker controls the action early on and dominates the opening minutes. She targets Saraya’s neck repeatedly and even tries to strangle her. Saraya slams Baker onto the apron and hits a diving crossbody off the apron. Baker and Saraya trade blows. Saraya gains the upper hand and stomps Baker in the corner. She slams Baker and gets a two count. Baker goes for the Lockjaw, but Saraya reaches the ropes. Baker gets a two count with an Air Raid Crash. She stomps Saraya for another two count. Saraya hits a sunset flip powerbomb for a two count and the Rampaige for a two count. Baker takes Saraya down and goes for the Lockjaw, but Saraya turns it into pin attempt for a two count. She kicks Baker and drills her with a knee to the head. Saraya hits another knee strike and another Rampaige. She hits it yet again for the win.

Winner: Saraya

Saraya hugs her brother after the match.

AEW TNT Championship: Wardlow (c) vs. Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Samoa Joe

The three powerhouses start waging war right away as the action spills out of the ring. Hobbs suplexes Wardlow in the ring. Joe hits Hobbs, but the former Team Taz member drills him with an elbow. Hobbs dumps Joe with a suplex and controls the match early on. Wardlow dives off the top rope and takes both of his opponents down. He hits Hobbs with a Swanton Bomb. Joe rocks Hobbs with a running boot in the corner. Wardlow slams Hobbs and drops Joe with a spinebuster. Joe dives onto both of his opponents on the outside. Hobbs tackles Joe into the barricade. He gets a two count with a spinebuster on Wardlow. The champion powerbombs Hobbs multiple times. Joe sneaks in and hits Wardlow with the title. He then chokes out Hobbs for the win.

Winner and new TNT Champion: Samoa Joe

Tony Schiavone is backstage with Chris Jericho and Jake Hager. When asked, Jericho says he and Guevara simply clashed in the spirit of competition. Orange Cassidy interrupts and says Tomohiro Ishii wants to challenge Jericho for the title. Jericho fires back by saying that Ishii used to get him coffee and shine his shoes when he was in Japan. He seemingly accepted the challenge. Hager asked Cassidy what was in his bag, and he took his All-Atlantic Championship out. They seemingly agreed to a match.

No Countout, No Disqualification: Sting and Darby Allin vs. Jay Lethal and Jeff Jarrett (with Satnam Singh and Sonjay Dutt)

Jarrett brings some fake Stings with him to the ring. Allin attacks Lethal through a fog of smoke during his entrance. Sting pops up behind Jarrett. Sting attacks “The Last Outlaw” before he and Allin switch opponents. The fight spills into the crowd, and Alin suplexes Jarret on the floor. Allin goes for a Coffin Drop off a ladder, but Satnam Soingh catches him. He carries Allin and slams him onto the ramp. Sting dives off a balcony and onto a group of his opponents. Jarrett grounds Allin and floors him with a clothesline. Sting tags in and clears house. He traps Jarrett in the Scorpion Death Lock, but Singh breaks it up and chokeslams him. Lethal hits Allin with the Lethal Combination.

Jarrett gets his guitar, and Lethal holds Allin up, but Allin avoids the guitar shot. Jarrett blasts Allin with the guitar during a Coffin Drop attempt. Allin fires up  and unloads with a series of strikes. Sting takes Dutt down with an elbow.

Sting and Allin double-team Singh. Allin dives onto Jarrett on the outside. Sting counters the Lethal Injection into the Scorpion Death Drop. Allin gets the pin with the Coffin Drop.

Winners: Sting and Darby Allin

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