The OGK Win The IMPACT Wrestling Tag Titles On 9/1/22

mike bennett honor no more impact 1
Photo Credit: IMPACT Wrestling

Matt Taven and Mike Bennett successfully captured the IMPACT Wrestling Tag Team Championship from Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson.

Without Maria Kanellis by their side, Matt Taven and Mike Bennett, representing Honor No More, were able to defeat The Good Brothers on Thursday, September 1’s episode of IMPACT Wrestling.

Here’s how it all went down, courtesy of our live coverage:

IMPACT World Tag Team Championship: Good Brothers (c) vs. OGK

Taven holds control over Anderson in the early minutes. Anderson makes a comeback by hitting Taven with a spinebuster. Gallows comes in for some double offense, but Bennett breaks the cover. Anderson goes up top and Bennett trips him. OGK hit a double finisher allowing Taven to pin Anderson for the win.

Winners and NEW World Tag Team Champions: Matt Taven & Mike Bennett

SEE MORE: IMPACT Wrestling Results – September 1, 2022