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IMPACT Wrestling Results – October 27, 2022

Welcome to WrestleZone’s live coverage of IMPACT Wrestling!

A video recaps Heath and Rhino beating Matt Taven and Mike Bennett for the IMPACT World Tag Titles last week. In the present, We see Taven and Bennett storm into Scott D’Amore’s office and make threats. He tells them they’ll never have to deal with certain issues if they shake his hand. They shake his hand and he announces they’re fired.

X-Division Tournament: Trey Miguel vs. Alan Angels

Lock up to start. They wrestle around until Angels dropkicks Trey out of the ring. Back inside, Angels hits a Northern Lights Suplex for a two count. Angels hits a reverse sling blade for another cover. Trey gains momentum and stomps on Alan’s back. Trey hits a double knees in the corner followed by running knees into a cover, two. Trey goes up top and gets tripped. Alan dropkicks him and DDT’s out of the corner, cover. Trey connects with Meteora, but Angels kicks out. Angels flatlines Trey into a stretch on the mat, but Trey rolls back out of it. Angels hits a half nelson suplex followed by a frog splash, kick out. Trey boots Alan and hits the lightning spiral for the win.

Winner: Trey Miguel

Trey will face the winner of Mike Bailey vs. Kenny King, which airs next week.

Chris Bey and Ace Austin find Tommy Dreamer and Bully Ray backstage. Bully reiterates he did not attack Ace last week. Bully offers his hand, but Ace believes Bully jumped him. When Ace asks if it wasn’t Bully, then who? Bully suggests it was Moose. Bey gets in Dreamer’s face and challenges him to a match tonight.

Gisele Shaw hypes up VXT and their match tonight. Chelsea reminds us that last time she beat Mickie, she sent her into a mini retirement. Deonna says they’ll be able to refocus on the tag titles after tonight, which leads Gisele to suggest she’ll go after the Knockouts title. VXT want to focus on getting rid of Hardcore Country tonight.

Tasha Steelz vs. Rachelle Schele

Steelz boots Schele to start. Steelz lets her get to her feet before nailing the cutter. Tasha rolls out and gets on the mic. She says she is above this match. Schele had her five minutes of flava, but now it’s feeding time. Savannah Evans is summoned and clobbers Schele. The ref calls for the bell. Evans picks Schele back up for a powerbomb. Tasha poses to end the segment.

Winner: Rachelle Schele by DQ

Heath and Rhino run into Motor City Machine Guns, who want a title shot. MCMG go to D’Amore’s office and run into Cardona and Myers. They almost get in a scuffle when D’Amore opens his door. He’s irritated and books Cardona vs. Shelley for tonight.

Chris Bey vs. Tommy Dreamer

Dreamer and Bey trade left arm locks. Bey dodges a couple clotheslines and they stare down. Dreamer shoves Bey before they lock up again. Dreamer dodges a spin kick. They shove each other some more until Bully and Ace both step onto the apron. After the break, Dreamer and Bey are engaged in a test of strength. Bey delivers a few kicks. Dreamer lands a fallaway slam. Bey kicks Dreamer down and lands a backflip, cover. Dreamer runs into the post when Bey dodges. Dreamer hits a cutter for a nearfall. Dreamer hits Bey with a suplex from the top rope. Moose comes down and gets in Bully’s face. Moose trips Bey and walks away, making Bey think that Bully did it. Dreamer eats a spin kick followed by the Art of Finesse. Bey pins for the win.

Winner: Chris Bey

Backstage, Bully and Dreamer argue about what transpired. Bully isn’t sure Dreamer trusts him. They go back and forth more until Dreamer asks if they’re good. Bully reluctantly says that they are, and Dreamer says he appreciates him.

Aussie Open announce their return to IMPACT.

Matt Cardona vs. Alex Shelley

Cardona jumps Shelley as he comes through the ropes. The bell rings and Cardona tosses Shelley out. Cardona follows Shelley out before they come back in for Shelley to take control briefly. Cardona continues beating Shelley down for a bit. Cardona applies a headlock until Shelley powers out. Back elbow sends Shelley down for a quick cover. Shelley dodges Cardona’s Reboot. They both work their way back up and trade blows. Sabin snuck in a double team move. Cardona thumbs Shelley in the eye and hits Radio Silence, but Shelley kicks out. Myers slides the Digital Media title in and Shelley grabs it. Cardona rolls Shelley up. Shelley hits Cardona with a DDT on the title, nearfall. Myers hits Shelley with the title and Cardona rolls him up for the three.

Winner: Matt Cardona

Myers and Cardona beat down MCMG until Heath and Rhino make the save to clear Major Players out.

Rich Swann and Josh Alexander are chatting until Gail Kim interrupts. She warns Josh about how Bully Ray told her not to trust anyone in the business. She advises that he watch his back, which is followed by an attack from Steve Maclin. Security pulls Maclin away and Kazarian tries to get involved. Gail leaves and Frankie and Josh share words. Frankie says he’s looking out for his best interest and wants to make sure Josh makes it to Over Drive. Josh doesn’t have to worry about Frankie until then. Josh pitches teaming up for one night to take on Aussie Open.

Raj Singh vs. Joe Hendry

Hendry cuts a brief promo before the match, saying he can solve life’s problems. Singh gets tossed around once the match starts. Singh comes back with knees to the gut and a kick to the head. Hendry quickly gets up and nails a clothesline. Hendry hits the Standing Ovation slam for the win.

Winner: Joe Hendry

Eric Young cuts a promo backstage. EY’s speaking to a mystery person and says he hope he’s watching what EY does next week.

Eddie Edwards does a sit-down interview with Gia Miller. He talks about Honor No More being over and how it affected his marriage with Alisha. Eddie says he wouldn’t change anything because there hasn’t been honor for a long time. Eddie says PCO isn’t a monster, he’s a just a little bitch, and he’s gonna pay for what he’s done.

Set for next week:

  • X-Division Tournament: Yuya Uemura vs. PJ Black on BTI
  • X-Division Tournament: Kenny King vs. Mike Bailey
  • Eric Young vs. Sami Callihan for the first time ever
  • Aussie Open vs. Josh Alexander & Frankie Kazarian

VXT & Gisele Shaw vs. Mickie James, Taylor Wilde & Jordynne Grace

Shaw and Mickie start with lockups. Mickie dropkicks and attempts a cover. Wilde and Deonna tag in. Wilde does an arm drag and strikes Deonna in the corner. Grace comes in with corner clotheslines, cover. Wilde hits Chelsea with arm drags, followed by a dropkick and cover. Chelsea tags Deonna, who eats a head scissors takedown. Wilde kicks Deonna down, kick to the chest, cover. Chelsea comes back in, but Wilde rolls VXT over with a combo move. Gisele breaks up Wilde’s pin. All six women come in and scrap. The babyfaces stand tall before the break.

We come back to see Wilde attempt a cover on Green. Green shoves Wilde into Purrazzo for a forearm, Chelsea dropkicks, cover. Deonna comes in with a boot and strikes. Shaw tags in and does knees to the head, cover. Mickie tags in and clotheslines Shaw before knocking Deonna off the apron. Deonna trips Mickie, allowing Shaw to kick Mickie in the face, cover. Shaw unloads with strikes on the mat. Mickie is tossed into the heel corner as Deonna comes in with kicks to the gut. The heels take turns getting cheap shots in while the ref is away.

Green pins Mickie for two. Shaw hits a running uppercut, cover. Mickie powers out of a hold and hits a neckbreaker. Jordynne gets the hot tag, as does Deonna. Jordynne lands a spinebuster, cover. Chelsea plants Grace. Everyone comes in and takes turns hitting finishers until Grace and Deonna come back together. Grace drops Deonna on her face. Mickie tags in and hits a seated senton. Green hits a blockbuster while Deonna held Mickie up. Grace and Wilde are tossed aside. Shaw grabs the KO title and holds it up until Grace clobbers her. VXT hold Mickie up, but Wilde breaks it up. Mickie lands Chelsea with a DDT and covers for the win.

Winners: Mickie James, Taylor Wilde & Jordynne Grace

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