ric flair

Ric Flair’s Last Match Results (7/31/22): Ric Flair Returns To The Ring

On July 31, Ric Flair’s Last Match featured the in-ring return of “The Nature Boy.” In the main event, Ric Flair and Andrade El Idolo faced Jay Lethal and Jeff Jarrett.


NJPW Showcase Match: Ren Narita defeated Yuya Uemura

Bunkhouse Battle Royal

The match comes down to Bully Ray, Joey Janela, Mance Warner, and James Storm. Ray eliminates Janela, and Warner tosses Storm out. Bully powerbombs Warner through a table. Warner eliminates Ray to win the match.

Winner: Mance Warner

Warner celebrates with EFFY and other GCW stars, and he receives the boot-shaped trophy. In an interview, Tony Schiavone askes Warner about his win. Bully Ray comes over, raises his hand, and pours beer in his mouth.

Multiple stars, including Cody Rhodes, Nick Aldis, and Sting, send in video messages to thank Flair.

Mick Foley is sitting in the crowd, and he gets a microphone. He jokes about sitting in the second row and says his son told him this show is better than SummerSlam. He calls out Tony Schiavone and says he put some butts in seats over the years.

Main Show

The Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley) vs. The Wolves (Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards)

Scott D’Amore joins the broadcast team for this match.  Sabin and Richards begin the bout and feel each other out. The Wolves double-team him, but the Guns take control. Shelley and Edwards double-team Edwards. The Wolves gain the upper hand with some-double-team offense. Edwards pokes Shelley in the eye as the Wolves maintain the advantage. Edwards locks in a Boston crab while Richards traps Shelley in an ankle lock, but the holds get broken up. Sabin dives onto the Wolves with a crossbody. He drops Richards with a DDT. Sabin dives through Shelley’s legs and lands on the Wolves. Richards hits the diving stomp on Sabin, but Shelley breaks up the pin. Sabin scores the win with some vintage MCMG offense.

Winners: The Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley)

Davey Boy Smith Jr. vs. Killer Kross (with Scarlett Bordeaux) 

Smith and Kross feel each other out early on. Smith targets Kross’ arm and gains the upper hand. He grounds the powerhouse and hones in on the arm. Kross and Smith trade several suplexes. They exchange stiff blows. Smith gets a two count with an inside cradle. Kross locks Smith in the Kross Jacket, but a pin attempt breaks the hold. Kross suplexes Smith and blasts him with a forearm to the back of the head.

Winner: Killer Kross

A montage of wrestlers and other personalities wishing Flair well ahead of his last match plays.

Jonathan Gresham vs. Nick Wayne vs. Alan Angels vs. Konosuke Takeshita- Winner earns a shot at the PROGRESS World Championship

Ian Riccaboni joins the commentary team for this match. Takeshita briefly gains the upper hand, but Gresham drops him with a flurry of offense. Angels enters the ring and squares off with Takeshita. They trade strikes, and Takeshita drops Angels with a stiff shot to the face. He turns the former Dark Order member inside out with a clothesline. Wayne comes in and suplexes Angels. He gets a two count with a Code Red-like maneuver. Takeshita tags in, and while Wayne flips out of one suplex, he gets slammed for a two count. Angels dives onto Gresham on the outside. Gresham dives onto Takeshita. Angels hits a suicide dive on Gresham. Takeshita suplexes AA. Gresham nails Takeshita with a cutter. Gresham dives onto Angels. “The Octopus” wins by pinning Angels.

Winner: Jonathan Gresham

Nick Aldis joins the broadcast team.

Legacy Match: The Four Horsemen (Brian Pillman Jr. and Brock Anderson) (w/ Arn Anderson) vs. The Rock ‘n’ Roll Express ( Kerry and Ricky Morton) (w/ Robert Gibson)

Arn Anderson hypes up the Horsemen representatives before the match. Pillman and Kerry start the bout and feel each other out. They’re evenly matched early on. Pillman takes control, but Kerry fires up with a monkey flip and a hip toss. Kerry and Ricky punch Pillman. Anderson tags in and tells Kerry to tag Ricky. He does, and Ricky punches Brock. He punches Anderson in the corner. Ricky and Kerry double-team Anderson. By stomping Kerry’s joints, Anderson grounds him. Pillman tags in and takes control. He slams Kerry to the mat for a two count. Anderson continues to isolate Kerry, who rallies by sending Anderson into Pillman’s boot. Ricky tags in and clears house. Kerry dropkicks Anderson when he tries to slam Ricky. Pillman kicks Ricky from behind, and Anderson his the gourd-buster for the win.

Winners: Brian Pillman Jr. and Brock Anderson

AAA Showcase Match: Bandido vs. Rey Horus vs. Black Taurus vs. Rey Fenix

The four stars quickly trade fast-paced offense. Horus and  Bandido get dumped to the outside. Laredo Kid hits a springboard dropkick. Fenix enters the ring and chops Laredo Kid, who drops him with a spinning DDT. Fenix takes Kid down with an arm drag. Bandido kicks Fenix in the face and dives onto him for a two count. Kid drills Bandido with a shot to the face. Bandido presses him with one arm. He spins around Taurus and slams him to the mat. Taurus rocks Fenix with a punch to the face. He slams Kid onto his knees and gains the upper hand. All four men are down after Taurus dives onto his opponents. Taurus slams Bandido for a two count. Bandido hits a Destroyer on Taurus. Kid dives onto Fenix and Taurus outside. Bandido hits a moonsault slam off the top and onto Taurus and Kid.

Taurus spikes Taurus on his head. Fenix slams Taurus for the win.

Winner: Rey Fenix

IMPACT World Championship: Josh Alexander vs. Jacob Fatu

Tom Hannifan joins the broadcast team. Alexander takes the fight to Fatu. The challenger slams Alexander. Fatu hits a hurricanrana. Alexander slams him off the top rope with a belly-to-belly suplex. Fatu hits a flipping dive. He counters the C4 spike and hits a handspring moonsault. Fatu hits a split-legged moonsault. Alexander hits a backbreaker for a two count. He drills Fatu with a stiff right hand. Fatu dives onto him outside of the ring. Fatu his the Alley Uce, and both men are down. Matt Cardona and Brian Myers storm the ring and attack Alexander.

Result: No Contest

After the match, Cardona and Myers keep attacking Alexander. The champion rallies, and DDP, who was sitting in the crowd, drops Cardona with a Diamond Cutter.

Backstage, Jerry Jarrett is shown in Jeff Jarrett’s locker room. The door opens, and Jerry Lawler is there, too. He talks about how he goes way back with Jeff Jarrett.

The Briscoes vs. Marshall and Ross Von Erich

The Von Erichs double-team Mark. The Briscoes gain the upper hand as Jey tags in. They double-team Ross. Mark hits a dropkick through the ropes, and Briscoe dives onto the Von Erichs. Mark hits a cannonball senton. The Von Erichs take control. Mark rallies with a suplex. Jay breaks up a pin attempt by the Von Erichs. He hits a neckbreaker, and Mark hits the Froggy Bow for the win.

Winners: The Briscoes

IMPACT Knockouts World Championship: Jordynne Grace vs. Deonna Purrazzo vs. Rachael Ellering

Ellering goes for an early pin, as does Purrazzo. Ellering seemingly hurts her ankle, and the referee checks on her. She rolls to the apron, and the officials check on her. She gets back in the ring and squares off with Grace. She gets a two count with a pin attempt. Grace takes Purrazzo down with a dropkick through the ropes and hits double knees on Ellering. Purrazzo takes control, but she eats a slap from Grace. The former champion gets a two count with a diving crossbody. Ellering slams Grace to the mat and suplexes her for a two count. Purrazzo locks Ellering in an arm-bar, but Grace traps her in a submission of her own. Ellering slams Grace to the mat for a two count. Grace hits the Grace Driver, but the pin gets broken up. The champion makes Ellering tap out to a sleeper hold.

Winner and still IMPACT Knockouts World Champion: Jordynne Grace

Ric Flair and Andrade El Idolo vs. Jeff Jarrett and Jay Lethal (with Karen Jarrett)

Flair gets a big pop during his entrance, and he has the “big gold belt” with him. Flair and Jarrett start the bout, and Jarrett quickly tags out when “The Nature Boy” slaps him. Lethal and Flair feel each other out, and the legend drops him with a shot to the face. Andrade tags in and gains the upper hand. Lethal elbows him in the face, and Jarrett tags in. He takes control, but Andrade slams him to the mat. Flair tags in and squares off with “Double J.” Jarrett mocks Flair’s strut. He poses in the corner. Flair “woos” and struts before he does a crotch chop. Flair punches Jarrett in the corner and kicks Lethal below the belt. Jarrett walks to the back, but Karen tells him to go back to the ring. Jarrett eventually does, and Flair takes control. He chops Lethal and tags Andrade, who maintains the advantage.

Jarrett gains the upper hand and grounds Andrade. He struts and poses to the crowd. Lethal hits a diving axe handle on Andrade. Lethal catches Andrade with a dropkick. Jarrett and Andrade isolate Andrade, but he rallies. Flair enters the ring without tagging in and chops his opponents. He chops a diving Lethal and locks in the Figure-Four, but Jarrett breaks it up. Jarrett hits Flair with Karen’s high-heel shoe. Ric’s daughter Megan grabs Karen. Flair starts bleeding, and Jarrett continues to ground him. Lethal suplexes him. Jarrett locks in the Figure-Four, but Andrade breaks it up. Flair dodges a diving elbow drop. Andrade makes the hot tag and clears house.

He suplexes Lethal onto Jarrett and hits double knees in the corner. Lethal accidentally superkicks the referee, and Andrade drops the former champion with a poison-rana. Flair goes for the pin, but the referee is down. Jarrett gets his guitar, but Andrade pulls Flair out of the way so Lethal gets smashed. Andrade superkicks Jarrett and gives Flair some brass knuckles. Flair drills Jarrett with the knucks and locks in the Figure-Four. Jarrett is unconscious, so the referee counts the pin.

Winners: Ric Flair and Andrade El Idolo

After the match, confetti rains down. Flair slowly gets to his feet. He hugs The Undertaker and goes over to Mick Foley and Bret Hart in the crowd. In an interview, Tony Schiavone calls him the greatest wrestler ever. Flair looks back on his career and thanks the fans while the other wresters surround the ring and clap for him. He bumps fists with the talent, and Andrade gives him the title, which Flair holds high. Lethal hugs him to close the show.

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