WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results

WWE SmackDown Results (6/3/22)

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE SmackDown Results (5/27/22)

In-Ring Segment: The New Day

Kingston gloats over New Day’s victory over Sheamus, Ridge Holland, and Butch. Xavier Woods notes that they recently got a victory over Sheamus and Co with the help of Drew McIntyre. McIntyre joins them in the ring. McIntyre gives a shot out to Big E. He wants to make sure Big E. understands no one has forgotten about him. McIntyre gets the crowd to start a Big E. chant. He goes on to say that New Day can always count on Big D.

McIntyre says he will win the championship with Roman Reigns at the show in the UK. Kingston presents McIntyre with a gift. It’s a kilt with “Big D” on it in New Day colors. Sheamus, Holland, and Butch interrupt. Sheamus says McIntyre and New Day only won last week because they didn’t know McIntyre would be there. Butch charges the ring and is quickly knocked back to the outside area.

The  New Day and Drew McIntyre vs. Sheamus, Ridge Holland, and Butch

Sheamus and Co work over Woods. Woods tags in Kingston in. Kingston tags in and clears the ring. Holland and Sheamus get knocked off the apron. Kingston and Woods lands dives. After the break, Kingston is getting beat down by Sheamus, Butch, and Holland. Kingston manages to tag in McIntyre. McIntyre cleans house and manages to slap hands with Pat McAfee. Butch tags in and gets tossed clear across the ring by McIntyre. Outside the ring, Sheamus Brogue kicks McIntyre. Butch catches Woods with the Bitter end for the win.

Winners- Sheamus, Ridge Holland, and Butch!

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