aew revolution

AEW Revolution Results (3/6/22)

All Elite Wrestling delivered a star-studded card on March 6 with AEW Revolution, its pay-per-view from the year.

Hangman Page, CM Punk, Bryan Danielson, Britt. Baker, and Jon Moxley, among many other stars, competed at the show, which was held live from Addition Financial Arena in Orlando, Florida.

The Buy-In

Kris Statlander vs. Leyla Hirsch

The two women go back and forth in a hard-fought battle. Hirsch rolls to the outside after a knee fall and gets a spare turnbuckle pad. She blasts Statlander with the steel and hits an acrobatic moonsault for the win.

Winner: Leyla Hirsch

In-Ring Segment: Tony Schiavone

Veteran broadcaster Tony Schiavone says he’s being joined by a special guest. Kenny Omega’s music hits, but Don Callis comes out instead. The former champion’s manager blames the people for Omega’s injuries. He accuses the fans of sucking Omega’s blood. Callis says he was “disgusted” by the violence that will be on display tonight. Still, he makes it clear that he’s expecting a great night for The Elite because The Young Bucks will win the gold tonight.

He notes that Adam Cole has created what could be called a “sleeper cell” within The Elite and expresses his confidence that Cole will dethrone Hangman Page. Callis also says that, if he doe, Cole will be a transitional champion that will keep Omega’s seat warm. He calls Omega the only “diamond” in the business.

QT Marshall (with The Factory) vs. HOOK

In a pre-match promo, Marshall vows to show his “prized student” what being cold-hearted is all about. Marshall talks some trash, and HOOK takes him down. The young star blasts him with body shots and suplexes his teacher. A clothesline sends Marshall to the outside. Marshall briefly takes control, but he eats another suplex and lands hard on the floor.

Back in the ring, Marshall gains the upper hand and controls HOOK. The fan-favorite rallies and makes Marshall tap out to the Redrum.

Winner: HOOK

House of Black vs. Penta Oscuro, PAC, and Erick Redbeard

Malakai Black takes the fight to PAC. Buddy Matthews tags in, and Penta does, too. Penta sends him down with a headscissors. The two men trade counters, and their exchange is a stalemate. Brody King tags in and faces off with Redbeard. The giant trucks over all three members of the House of Black at ringside. King squashes Penta with a cannonball. Black and his stablemates isolate Penta, but PAC makes the hot tag. He blasts Matthews with some strikes, but Malakai distracts him and helps Matthews take control. House of Black gangs up on PAC for a few minutes.

Penta eventually tags in and clears house. He drops and dishes out slingblades to Black and King. A Destroyer on Matthews earns him a two count. Redbeard gets the tag and gains momentum by clotheslining Matthews out of the ring. Bodies start flying as the match breaks down, with Matthes and PAC flying off the top rope. PAC takes Black down with a poison-rana. King floors PAC with a discus lariat. Redbeard and King trade blows, and the latter slams the giant. King dives onto Redbeard outside of the ring. The match breaks down into chaos again, and Black drills Penta with a knee strike. Penta hits a nasty Fear Factor on the apron, but Black wasn’t the legal man. Matthews sneaks in from behind and drops Penta with a curb stomp.

Redbeard overpowers Matthews,  but Black drills him with a kick to the face. The big man doesn’t go down, but Black mists him in the eyes. A rising knee strike and a rising piledriver from King earn the dark trio the win.

Winner: House of Black

Main Card

Chris Jericho vs. Eddie Kingston

After Jericho’s entrance, Kingston charges the ring and dumps him on his head with a suplex. Jericho gains the upper hand as the fight spills out of the ring. Both men trade stiff blows. Kingston plants Jericho with a DDT and proceeds to bite him. “The Influencer” blasts Kingston with some lariats and gouges his eyes.

Kingston bites him again, but Jericho goes to his eyes once more. A hurricanrana sends Kingston crashing down. “The Mad King” fires back with a suplex. Jericho plants Kingston with a suplex off the apron, sending both men crashing to the floor.

The former world champion maintains the advantage with a German suplex and a Lionsault. Kingston rallies with a lariat, but Jericho traps him in the Walls of Jericho until he reaches the ropes. “The Mad King” suplexes Jericho twice and gets a near fall with the Spinning Back Fist.

Jericho catches Kingston with the Codebreaker out of nowhere. Kingston refuses to stay down, and “The Influencer” drops him with another Codebreaker.

“The Mad King” hits two more spinning back fists and forces Jericho to tap out to the Stretch Plum.

Winner: Eddie Kingston

After the match, Kingston says he respects Jericho and tells him to shake his hand. The former world champion refuses and walks away.

AEW Revolution Results Continue On The Next Page!