
Vincent Reflects On ‘End Of An Era’ At ROH Final Battle, Prepared For ‘Christmas Chaos’

Vincent is prepared for (Final) Battle.

Vincent recently spoke with WrestleZone’s Bill Pritchard and Colin Tessier ahead of two big events on his calendar this week, ISPW’s Christmas Chaos event in New Jersey and Ring Of Honor’s Final Battle pay-per-view. In regards to the latter, Final Battle is being called the “end of an era” for Ring Of Honor, as the company looks to go on hiatus and come back as a reimagined brand in the fall.

Not much is known about what ROH has in store beyond Final Battle, where Vincent and The Righteous will face off with Shane Taylor Promotions for the ROH Six-Man Tag Team Championship. Vincent said he’s still a bit shocked to think about this era of ROH ending, but he hopes that besides going home with a win, the fans get everything they hoped for from ROH at the end of the night.

“Every time it’s brought up, it’s just it’s crazy to me. I mean, I’ve spent a lot of my career there, I spent a lot of my time in my career trying to get there. So back in like 2010, I did my first ever Ring of Honor tryout in Philadelphia, and then in 2012, I got Gored out of my shoes by Rhino in like 30 seconds. [laughs] That was a memory, but it’s crazy, man. It’s really weird to me just to know that this era is ending of Ring of Honor after all these years, and that’s all the time being there and everything else. So it’s kind of like it’s a bottle of mixed emotions going into that, you know what I mean?

“I’m hoping that a lot of people do attend just to kind of have this big moment with us. All the Ring of Honor fans who always supported us throughout the years, hopefully, many of them can attend if they’re in that area. But it’s crazy just to know that going into it, even with the match itself, win, lose whatever, I just want the match between us and Shane Taylor Promotions to go all out there. I mean, if this is the end of an era, I want us to go out there both teams and just do everything, give the fans exactly what they’re hoping to see.

“I honestly think that the whole show is going to be that I think everybody’s going in there with that attitude of like, okay, this is the end of the era, let’s go out with this great show, and not that we never put 100% in any other shows that we do. But you know, this one has just that feeling going into it, like, ‘okay, if this is it, then let’s do this.’ It’s mixed emotions, it’s exciting and sad, it’s crazy. It’s like a wave of emotions daily just to think about it but I’m grateful to be a part of an end of an era, the Ring of Honor; it’s definitely something that’s going to be whatever direction they go. I don’t know. But it’s definitely a part of Ring of Honor history. Shane Taylor Promotions, Khan, and Moses, I’m a big fan of that group of guys. And they’re fantastic. So I think it’ll be great.”

Before he heads to Baltimore for Ring Of Honor, Vincent will step into the ring with Nikos Rikos at ISPW’s Christmas Chaos on Friday night. Vincent talked about how Crowbar set things in motion, as well as how this is the first of many new matchups he could have as he re-enters the independent scene.

“I’m excited for both shows this weekend. I’ve never wrestled at ISPW and I’m pretty excited about it. Crowbar’s the man. He referred me, but Crowbar is such a good dude. And actually, when that whole thing with Ring of Honor happened, he was one of the first guys to reach out, so he’s the man. So I know it’s like him versus Homicide, which would be pretty cool. I’m wrestling Nikos Rikos, his stuff looks great, so I’m looking forward to getting in there with him. It’ll be a first-time match for me. That’s kind of the cool thing about in all these places now is I haven’t done the indies in a while, so it’s been cool to kind of like get out there and wrestle people I’ve never wrestled before. I hope I can wrestle a ton of people that I’ve ever been in the ring with. So it’s kind of cool. It’s exciting to look forward to stuff like that.”

Tickets for ISPW’s Christmas Chaos are available now at the 80s Wrestling Con / ISPW website. Fans can also buy tickets for ROH Final Battle at this link or watch on pay-per-view via HonorClub or FITE.

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