Photo Credit: WWE

WWE Crown Jewel: Hell In A Cell- Edge Vs. Seth Rollins Result

Edge and Seth Rollins opened up WWE Crown Jewel this afternoon with a vicious Hell in a Cell match, ending with The Rated R Superstar standing victorious.

WWE kicked off Crown Jewel in a big way this afternoon, with Edge going one-on-one with Seth Rollins inside the demonic Hell in a Cell structure. Although you might have thought it was a TLC match with all the weapons that were involved during the course of the matchup.

There were plenty of near falls, including Edge kicking out of a sunset flip powerbomb from the ladder through a table. A point late in the match saw a similar sequence to their matchup on SmackDown from Madison Square Garden but added a chain wrapped around his boot. But Rollins took too much time and gavE Edge time to recover, who put a steel chair between Rollins’ legs to turn the tide of the match.

Edge secured the victory using Rollins’ own stomp on a steel chair to get the pinfall win.

Check out a recap of our event coverage below:

Hell In A Cell
Edge vs. Seth Rollins

Edge slugs it out with Rollins in the corner, then slingshots him over the top rope and into the cage. Rollins snaps Edge’s head on the top rope and knees him in the head, then Rollins takes part of a steel chair (that Edge initially brought in the ring) and tries to stab Edge in the eye with it. Rollins hits a low dropkick that sends Edge to the floor, then Rollins throws him headfirst into the cage a few times. Rollins starts to unload on Edge with a chair, then he ultimately jabs Edge in the eye with the chair rail and hits a frog splash for two.

Edge mounts a comeback and shoves Rollins off of the top turnbuckle and into the cage wall, and he crashes through a table that was set up underneath it. The ring steps are then brought into the ring and Edge ducks a punch and hits an Edge-O-Matic on top of them, then Edge heads up top with a chair and splashes Rollins on the stairs with it. A two count leads to the match continuing, and after some more back and forth, Edge hits a buckle bomb and spear for two. Edge brings a ladder into the mix and sets it up in the corner, but Rollins whips him into it and smashes it over his head. Rollins and Edge end up climbing the ladder in the corner, and Rollins ends up sending Edge through a table with a sunset flip powerbomb.

Somehow, Edge kicks out at two, and Rollins connects with a few superkicks while daring Edge to fight back. Rollins ends up wrapping a chain around his foot and connects with another superkick, then Rollins screams that ‘this is how your fairy tale ends’ and winds up for a stomp on the chair. Edge sits up and hits Rollins in the groin with the chair, then Edge backs into the corner and cracks Rollins with a superkick. Edge uses the chain around Rollins’ foot to choke him, then Edge takes a wrench and chokes him with it before inexplicably breaking the hold. Edge ends up putting Rollins’ head on a chair and connects with The Stomp to pick up the win.

READ MORE: WWE Crown Jewel Results – 10/21/21

Keep it locked into WrestleZone for continued coverage of WWE Crown Jewel all afternoon long.