ring of honor

ROH Wrestling Results (9/27/21): Four Corner Survival Match Between Warring Stables

ROH Wrestling Results 
Originally aired September 24, 2021
Report by Colin Tessier for Wrestlezone.com

Quinn McKay welcomes viewers and previews the show.

Pure Rules: Brian Johnson vs. PJ Black

In a pre-match promo, “The Mecca” says everyone in the Pure Division is going to honor him. Black, his mentor, says if Johnson thinks he’s ready, he’ll win this bout. If he does, Johnson will earn the black headband to signal his progression. Johnson says Black is the only guy who’s not a “bozo” on this roster, but he’s about to show “The Darewolf” that he’s surpassed him. “The Mecca” also makes it clear that he’s targeting the ROH Pure Championship.


The two men shake hands before the bell rings. They feel each other out with technical holds, and the match is a stalemate early on. Black briefly gains the upper hand, but the two competitors are evenly matched. “The Darewolf” sends Johnson to the outside with a dropkick, forcing “The Mecca” to regroup. A hurricanrana sends Johnson crashing to the outside, and Black dives onto him outside the ring.

A diving crossbody earns Black a two count, but Johnson dodges a springboard moonsault. “The Mecca” takes control and talks some trash. Black fires back and forces Johnson to use his second ropebreak with an innovative submission hold. “The Darewolf” grounds Johnson and plants him with a back suplex. Both men are down after a double clothesline. The student trades blows with his mentor, and Black hits a springboard moonsault for a two count.

Johnson thumbs Black in the eye, punches him behind the referee’s back and hits The Process for the win.

Winner: Brian Johnson

After the match, Black tells Johnson and says he’ll go do great things. They shake hands after Black says he’s there for “The Mecca” if he needs him.

Backstage, Black emphasizes that he taught Black what he knows, and he’ll be there for Johnson. Johnson says “Pure” is spelled “M-e-c-c-a”.

In a video package, several members of the women’s division hype it up.

Eli Isom cuts a promo about his match with Ryan Mooney, which will air on this week’s episode of ROH Week By Week. Isom says Mooney will showcase his skills in the bout, but he won’t stop him in his quest for the ROH World Television Championship. Meanwhile, Mooney says Isom has never truly proven that he’s the better competitor.

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