ROH Glory By Honor
Image Credit: Ring of Honor Wrestling

ROH Glory By Honor Night Two Results (8/21/21)

Tonight, Ring of Honor presents the second night of its Glory By Honor event from Philadelphia.

ROH Glory By Honor Night Two Results 
August 21, 2021
Report by Colin Tessier for

Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman welcome viewers and preview the show.

Danhausen vs. Dalton Castle

According to Danhausen’s entrance graphic, this match has the additional stipulation that if Danhausen wins, Dalton Castle has to get him on “Celebrity Family Feud.” Dak Draper joins the commentary team before the bout. Castle and Danhausen shake hands to begin the bout, but Castle quickly exits the ring and speaks with The Boys. Danhausen soaks up the fans’ cheers and slides out of the ring when Castle finally approaches him. He sends Castle sliding out of the ring and takes him down with a dropkick. A hurricanrana floors Castle, and Draper comes to ringside to distract Danhausen. Castle capitalizes with a running knee and sends Danhausen into the barricade.

Back in the ring, Castle grounds Danhausen and suplexes him. Danhausen rallies with two suplexes of his own. Castle stops Danhausen from using his jar of teeth, but thankfully he has a backup. Danhausen makes Castle swallow some teeth and blasts him with a boot to the face. Castle hits the Bang-a-Rang on some spare teeth out of nowhere for the win.

Winner: Dalton Castle

Josh Woods joins the commentary team ahead of the next bout.

Pure Rules Match: World Famous CB vs. LSG

LSG and CB shake hands to adhere to the Code of Honor. They exchange technical holds, and LSG bites the ropes to escape a modified arm-bar. LSG slams CB’s head between his knees and drops him with a neckbreaker. “The Ace of Space” takes control and grounds CB. Ken Dixon confronts Woods at the commentary table, and they have a heated exchange of words. LSG hits a springboard forearm, but CB fires back with some strikes. The two men trade blows, and LSG nails CB with a nasty pump kick. CB blasts LSG with a stiff kick and a a ripcord palm strike.

LSG uses his final rope break, but he gains momentum with an ace crusher. LSG his the Rocket by Baby and cradles CB for the victory.

Winner: LSG

CB refuses to shake LSG’s hand after the match, clearly frustrated with his loss.

Backstage, Quinn McKay tells Mark Briscoe that Jay can’t compete tonight, so if he can’t find a partner, he’ll be taken off the show. Mark gets fired up, and he learns that Brian Johnson is having a temper tantrum. The two men yell at each other and seemingly agree to team up.

Maria Kanellis-Bennett joins the commentary team ahead of the next match.

Chelsea Green and Willow vs. Miranda Alize and Rok-C

Willow and Alize start the bout, and “The Lucha Baddie” slaps Willow. A pounce floors Alize, so Rok-C tags in and takes the fight to Willow. Rok-C hits a Mexican arm drag and confronts Green on the apron. Rok-C and Alize dive onto their opponents at ringside. Back in the ring, Rok-C drills Willow with an uppercut, but Green tags in and gets a near fall with a missile dropkick. Greeen hits two clotheslines, but Rok-C responds with a backflip knee.

Willow slams Green onto Rok-C for a two count. Green dodges a kick and plants Rok-C with a German suplex. Rok-C rocks Green with a kick and tags Alize.”The Lucha Baddie” clears house with a flurry of offense. She nails a running boot in the corner and drops Willow with a bulldog. Rok-C takes Willow down with a diving crossbody, but Green plants her with a cutter. Alize blasts Green with a knee to the face. Rok-C dodges a moonsault from Willow and hits a Code Rok (sunset flip powerbomb) for the win.

Winners: Rok-C and Miranda Alize

ROH Glory By Honor Night Two Results Continue On The Next Page!