ring of honor

ROH Wrestling Results (7/19/21): The Foundation vs. Shane Taylor Promotions

ROH Wrestling Results 
Originally aired July 16, 2021
Report by Colin Tessier for Wrestlezone.com

Backstage, The Foundation prepares for their eight-man tag team match. Rhett Titus says the group will get back on track, but Jay Lethall notices that Jonathan Gresham’s leg is hurt. Gresham says he’s fine, but Tracy Williams says they need him to stay healthy. He suggests that Joe Keys should fill in, and the group agrees.


Brian Johnson welcomes viewers and previews the show.

Fred Yehi vs. Rey Horus

Yehi and Horus feel each other out, and “The Savage Weight” takes control by driving Horus’ leg to the mat. He targets Horus’ leg, but a Mexican arm drag and a dive to the outside give Horus some momentum.

A diving crossbody earns Horus a two count. Yehi rolls Horus up for a two count of his own. A spinning Frog Splash puts the momentum back in Horus’ corner, but two stiff backhands drop Horus. He barely escapes the Yoji Clutch by reaching the ropes. Despite a flurry of offense from Yehi, Horus gets the win with a body-scissors driver off the top rope.

Winner: Rey Horus

Quinn McKay vs. Mandy Leon (with Angelina Love)

In a pre-match promo, Leon says she’s not the “little girl who came here ten years ago.” She states that she’s not chasing validation or friendship. Leon accuses McKay of hiding something and notes that McKay couldn’t back up her trash talk.

On the the other hand, McKay looks back on her loss to Angelina Love. She describes how she has a lot in common with Leon; Leon was once an interviewer just like her. She calls Leon Love’s lapdog and states that she’s fought hard to get where she is. McKay makes it clear that she sees Leon for who she really is, and that’s a shadow of who she used to be. She says Leon can still be the person she could have been if she leaves Love’s side and gives her a fair match.

Leon drops McKay with a cheap shot at the beginning of the bout. She insults McKay and says she fell for the oldest trick in the book. McKay fires back with a clothesline, but Leon regains control of the match. She slams McKay to the mat, and Love pulls McKay to the floor when the referee isn’t working.

Leon hits a running dropkick off the apron and suplexes McKay onto the floor. McKay rallies with a slam that leaves both women down. With four neckbreakers, McKay firmly gains the upper hand. Love distracts the referee while Leon taps out, and she also hands her some brass knuckles. Leon secretly hits McKay with the weapon and pins her to win the bout.

Winner: Mandy Leon

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