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WWE NXT Results (6/22/21)

WWE NXT ResultsWWE NXT Results
June 22, 2021
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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In-Ring Segment: Adam Cole

Cole says Samoa Joe doesn’t understand that he is the king of NXT. No one can change Cole’s mind, he has no use for Regal’s. After Cole destroys Kyle O’Reilly, everyone will know he is the greatest NXT Superstar of all time. Carmelo Hayes walks down to the ring. Hayes says Cole may not know who he is, but Hayes knows who Cole is. Hayes says he’s going to be the one to change Cole’s mind. Cole asks how. Hayes says “Ruthless Aggression… Same Energy”. Hayes slaps the taste out of Cole’s mouth.

Adam Cole vs. Carmelo Hayes

Hayes clotheslines Cole. Cole ends up outside the ring. Hayes lands a dive. Cole catches Hayes with a superkick on the apron. Cole rains down strikes. Cole works over Hayes. Hayes fires up and gets two count. Hayes pounds on Cole in the corner. Cole trips Hayes into the middle turnbuckle. Cole boots Hayes out of the ring. Cole sends Hayes into the barricade over and over again.

After the break, Cole has Hayes in a chin lock. Hayes manages to fight out of the hold but Cole floors him with a back elbow. Hayes flips over Cole and lands a big boot. Cole responds with a big boot of his own. Hayes counters Cole’s Ushigorshi attempt with a cutter. Cole kicks out. Cole surprises Hayes with a backstabber. Hayes kicks out, Cole sets up the Panama Sunrise. Cole dives off the top into a superkick. Hayes tries a springboard but Cole superkicks Hayes out of the air. Cole lands the Panama Sunrise for the win.

Winner- Adam Cole

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