NXT Women's Tag Team Championship Fatal 4-Way
Image Credit: WWE

WWE NXT 2.0 Results (8/2/22): Two Title Matches

WWE will deliver an action-packed episode of WWE NXT 2.0 on August 2.

The results are as follows:

NXT Women’s Tag Team Championship: Toxic Attraction vs. Ivy Nile & Tatum Paxley vs. Kayden Carter & Katana Chance vs. Valentina Feroz & Yulisa Leon

Paxley and Carter start the bout before Jayne tags in. Toxic Attraction gangs up on Paxley and gains the early advantage. Nile tags in and takes control. She drops Dolin with a clothesline and double-teams her with Paxley. Feroz enters the match and takes the fight to Carter. Feroz and Leom are rolling as they continue to ground Carter. A superkick gives Carter breathing room, and Chance dives onto Paxley and Nile at ringside. Leon throws Feroz onto everyone at ringside. She dives onto everyone and rolls Carter into the ring. Nile tags in and drills Feroz with a stiff shot to eliminate her. Nile and Paxley continue to control the action by isolating Chance. Jayne sneaks in and manages to sneakily pin Paxley, eliminating her and Nile in the process. The two teams go back and forth. Jayne drills Carter with a stiff shot to the face. Toxic Attraction gets a two count on Carter with a double-team maneuver.

Chance gains the upper hand, but Dolin dumps her with a suplex. Carter breaks up a pin attempt, and all four women are down. Chance and Carter rally. Chance dives onto Dolin at ringside. A 450 splash earns Chance the win.

Winner and new NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions: Katana Chance and Kayden Carter

Backstage, Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen are asked who’s next for him. Jensen says he’s still waiting for his first. Joe Gacy and The Dyad interrupt. Gacy notes that Jensen is a second-generation wrestler, unlike Cameron Grimes. The Dyad say they have a road map if Briggs and Jensen are lost. Gacy says he’d be happy to meet him in the ring tonight so he can deliver his message.

Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams come to the ring because Hayes is holding an open challenge. Williams says they’re out there because it’s Hayes’ birthday. He says he makes moves, and the move for tonight is the open challenge. Giovanni Vinci answers the call, but before he can reach the ring, Nathan Frazer runs past him to take his spot in the match. Vinci joins the broadcast team.

NXT North American Championship: Carmelo Hayes (c) vs. Nathan Frazer

The two men feel each other out with some fast-paced offense early on. Frazer pulls Hayes groin-first into the ring post. Hayes hits the Fadeaway leg drop for a two count. The champion takes control and hits a springboard clothesline. Frazer slams him face-first into the turnbuckle, sending Hayes to the outside.

Frazer takes the fight to Hayes and drills him with a superkick for a two count. Hayes crashes onto the broadcast table right in front of Vinci, who then trips Frazer off the top rope. Thanks to the distraction, Hayes hits the Nothing But Net for the win.

Winner and still NXT North American Champion: Carmelo Hayes

A video package hypes up Solo Sikoa and his background as a fighter.

NXT Championship Heatwave Summit

NXT Champion Bron Breakker and JD McDonagh discuss their upcoming title match. McDonagh says Breakker’s passion is a stimulation, as he sees a fire in his eyes and he wants to stop it out. He says that, when he looks at Breakker, all he sees is a map for the pain that he can inflict. He vows to tear Breakker’s muscle off his bones and win the title. Breakker says McDonagh might be the smartest superstar he’s ever stepped in the ring with. He notes that everyone has a plan until he breaks them in half.

Breakker declares that when the title is on the line, he’s an animal, and he’s going to hurt McDonagh. The challenger says he believes Breakker, but the difference is that he personally welcomes pain. He refuses to sign the contract and tells Breakker to sign it first. He does, and McDonagh signs the contract in his own blood. McDonagh extends a bloody handshake offer, but Breakker instead raises the title.

The Creed Brothers are training at their gym. Apollo Crews walks in and says they should watch their backs because not everything is what it seems. The Creed Brothers understand and say they’re focused on the match. Damon Kemp arrives and says Roderick Strong is late, but he’ll be there in time for the match. The Creeds are upset because they have to gameplan.

Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne are screaming backstage because they’re upset after their loss. Mandy Rose walks in, and she’s distraught too. They shout at McKenzie Mitchell when she tries to interview them. She tries to console her stablemates.

Non-Title: Mandy Rose vs. Sarray

Rose and Sarry feel each other out, and the latter gains the upper hand. She rocks Rose with a dropkick. Rose takes control and kicks Sarray. A Glam Slam-like counter earns Rose a two count. Sarray fires up with another dropkick. Sarray takes Rose down with a drop toe-hold and floors her with a missile dropkick. A Fisherman suplex earns Sarray a two count. Rose plants her with a spinebuster. She hits her with a big boot and pins her for the win.

Winner: Mandy Rose

After the match, Rose gets a chair and attacks Sarray’s leg with it. Zoey Stark makes the save and clears Rose from the ring.

A video package highlights Tiffany Stratton’s athletic background. She notes that she couldn’t stand losing the battle royal because she’s not a loser.

In a backstage interview, Axiom discusses winning his debut. Duke Hudson interrupts and says Axiom is undersized. He contrasts the two of them and says it’s night and day. Axiom says he’s not afraid of him. Hudson attacks him, and they start brawling throughout the backstage area. They battle onto the stage, and Hudson slams Axiom back-first into the apron. He rolls him into the ring and kicks him a few times. Hudson hits a spinning slam. Grabbing a microphone, he tells everyone not to believe in their heroes because they’ll always let you down. Axiom gets a microphone and challenges Hudson to a match.

Duke Hudson vs. Axiom

Hudson knocks Axiom off the top rope and sends him crashing to the floor. Axiom kicks Hudson’s leg and zeroes in on it with a dropkick. Hudson slams Axiom to the ma. He grounds the masked man. Axiom counters a Razor’s Edge and rolls Hudson up for the win.

Winner: Axiom

WWE NXT 2.0 Results Continue On The Next Page!