ring of honor

ROH Wrestling Results (6/7/21): Josh Woods vs. Silas Young, Survival Of The Fittest Begins

ROH Wrestling Results 
Aired June 7, 2021
Report by Colin Tessier for Wrestlezone.com

The show opens with a hype video for ROH Survival of the Fittest.

Quinn McKay welcomes viewers and previews the card. She describes the rules for the Survival of the Fittest tournament.


Survival of the Fittest First-Round Match: Rey Horus vs. “Demonic” Flamita

In a pre-match promo, Flamita says Hell has arrived in ROH, and he’s going straight to the top. On the other hand, Horus looks back on the downfall of MexiSquad and vowed to prove himself as the better man.

Flamita comes to the ring with a new entrance video that features demons and flames. He wears a rope with a pointy hood to the ring, and his gear is entirely black. Flamita refuses to shake Horus’ hand before the match. The two former partners battle for position, and Flamita drops Horus with a cheap shot. Horus gains the upper hand with some strikes and a diving takedown.


Flamita sacrifices himself with an apron spear to the outside. He tosses Horus into the barricade and talks some trash. Flamita blasts Horus with a chair shot to the back, but the referee doesn’t call for the bell. Horus rallies with a dive to the outside. Flamita drops Horsus with a standing Spanish Fly on the outside. Horus nearly wins the match with a sunset flip. Flamita floors Horus with a pendulum DDT for a two count. In the end, Flamita pins Horus after a superkick.

Winner: Flamita

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