Josh Alexander Eric Young IMPACT Wrestling Slammiversary
Image Credit: IMPACT Wrestling

IMPACT Wrestling Slammiversary Results (6/19): Josh Alexander vs. Eric Young, Ultimate X And More

IMPACT Wrestling Slammiversary will celebrate the promotion’s 20th anniversary by delivering a star-studded show.

The results are as follows:

Countdown to Slammiversary

IMPACT Digital Media Championship: Rich Swann (c) vs. Brian Myers

Swann takes the fight to Myers early on. The challenger slams him on the apron and takes control. He looks at the camera and says, “This one’s for you, Matt,” in honor of the former champion, Matt Cardona. Myers grounds Swann, but the champion rallies with some punches. A series of strikes rocks Myers. The challenger slams Swann and blasts him with a Spear for a two count. Swann fights back with some kicks and drops Myers with a neckbreaker. Myers plants Swann with an elevated DDT and goes for another Spear, but Swann counters and hits a back handspring cutter. He pins Myers with the 450 Splash.

Winner and still IMPACT Wrestling Digital Media Champion: Rich Swann

Reverse Battle Royal

The final participant is Slash, accompanied by Father James Mitchell. The competitors fight to get into the ring. Chris Bey enters the ring, as does Johnny Swinger. Steve Maclin follows suit. Zicky Dice battles Shark Boy at ringside. 72-year-old Mike Jackson is tearing it up, and he does an Old School all the way around the ringside barricade. Shera jumps into the ring. The eight competitors qualify, so everyone else heads to the back. Shera eliminates Chase Stevens. Maclin and Veer battle on the apron and trade stiff chops. Bey hits Maclin with a diving cutter on the apron, and both men land on the floor, so they’re both eliminated. The match comes down to Shark Boy, Swinger, and David Young. Swinger tosses Young and Swinger out to seemingly win the match.

The referee reminds him that he has to pin the last man, so Swinger gets Shark Boy back in the ring. Swinger takes too long, and Shark Boy drops him with a Stunner for the win.

Winner: Shark Boy

Main Show

Ultimate X match for the X-Division Championship: Ace Austin (c) vs. “Speedball” Mike Bailey vs. Trey Miguel vs. Kenny King vs. Alex Zayne vs. Andrew Everett

Austin hits Miguel with his cane. Everett and King climb up, but they get knocked down. Bailey dives onto Everett, and Zayne takes down others with a springboard moonsault. Bailey and Zayne climb on the ropes, but they get knocked down. Miguel dives onto King outside the ring. He kicks Austin , but the champion takes control and dives onto Bailey outside the ring. He blasts Zayne and Bailey with kicks. Miguel plants Austin with a neckbreaker on the apron. Everett suplexes Miguel onto the apron. Zayne sends Everett flying with a hurricanrana. Miguel climbs, but Zayne pulls him down and King plants him with a blockbuster.

Bailey uses the ropes to launch himself knee-first onto Zayne. “Speedball” nails Everett with a kick. Everyone battles on the turnbuckles, and they go crashing fown. Miguel stands tall and plants Zayne with a destroyer off the top rope. Miguel blasts Austin with a kick and climbs up. King meets him, and both Bailey and Austin climb too. All four men battle, and the latter duo knock their opponents down. Austin and Bailey hit each other, and Everett joins the fray. Bailey wraps his legs around Everett and sends him tumbling to the floor. Bailey knocks Austin down with some kicks, and he unhooks the title.

Winner and new IMPACT X-Division Champion: “Speedball” Mike Bailey

Backstage, the IMPACT Originals do an interview ahead of their clash with Honor No More. The Motor City Machine Guns discuss winning a fan poll about their impact in the promotion and say this match is about defending the company from Honor No More. Kazarian says they’re all in the mood to fight. Nick Aldis says their team lineup may seem odd, but they all love this business and appreciate the opportunity that IMPACT gave them. As for their mystery partner, Aldis says there were plenty of applicants, but the man they chose was a no-brainer.

In a taped video, Sting discusses his TNA/IMPACT Wrestling career.

IMPACT Knockouts World Tag Team Championship: The Influence (Tenille Dashwood and Madison Rayne) (c) vs. Rosemary and Taya Valkyrie

Rayne and Valkyrie start the bout, and they feel each other out. Rosemary tags herself in and bites Rayne. Dashwood tags in, but she gets double-teamed by Valkyrie and Rosemary. The challengers maintain the upper hand, but Rayne drops Rosemary at ringside to gain some momentum. Dashwood grounds her and keeps her isolated from Valkyrie. The champions continue to control the match, but Rosemary rallies by suplexing Dashwood. Valkyrie makes the hot tag with a flurry of offense. She hits a Blue Thunder Bomb on Rayne for a two count. Rosemary goes for the Spear, but Dashwood nails her with a kick to the head. The challengers send their opponents into each other with an Irish whip and drop them with Spears.

Dashwood catches Valkyrie with a neckbreaker through the ropes. The Influence drop Rosemary with The Collab. Rosemary fires up and slams Rayne for the win.

Winner and new IMPACT Knockouts World Tag Team Champions: Taya Valkyrie and Rosemary

IMPACT Slammiversary Results Continue On The Next Page!