WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results

WWE SmackDown Results (4/23/21)

WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results
April 23, 2021
Report by Colin Tessier for Wrestlezone.com

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In-Ring Segment with Cesaro

Cesaro is standing in the ring, but Seth Rollins interrupts him before he can say anything. Rollins congratulates Cesaro on fulfilling his potential, and he says Cesaro was able to do so because he was in the ring with the new “Mr. WrestleMania” himself. The former WWE Universal Champion says he took Cesaro to the promised land, and he demands a thank you. He questions Cesaro’s championship aspiraions and says this isn’t over until he says so. Rollins blames the rain delay for his loss at WWE WrestleMania because Cesaro couldn’t beat him at his worst. Cesaro challenges Rollins to a rematch, and “The Messiah” walks to the ring, prepared to accept it. But Jey Uso interrupts the confrontation and says Cesaro doesn’t belong in the same ring with Roman Reigns.

Uso says he wants to teach Cesaro a lesson, but Rollins talks him down so they can attack Cesaro together. They surround the ring, but Daniel Bryan coms to Cesaro’s rescue. Bryan summarizes why all three men came out to the arena. He says he came to the ring to ensure that Cesaro gets what he deserves. He states that he respects Cesaro because of his hard work, and Bryan states that Cesaro has worked harder everyone, including Reigns. Bryan insults Reigns by saying he doesn’t like to wrestle. Bryan dares anyone to come fight him and Cesaro, and Reigns comes to the stage.

Reigns recaps how he defeated Bryan and Edge, and he calls Bryan and Cesaro “main event losers.” He warns Cesaro that he’s surrounded by people who want to beat him up.

Cesaro and Daniel Bryan vs. Seth Rollins and Jey Uso

The two teams brawl before the match officially begins. Bryan starts the match with Uso and double-teams him with Cesaro. “The Swiss Cyborg” tags in and controls the match. Rollins enters the match and eventually gains the upper hand. Uso grounds Cesaro and isolates him from Bryan. Rollins and Uso gang up on Cesaro, but he rallies and tags Bryan. The fan-favorite star helps his team regain the advantage, but Rollins powerbombs him into the corner. Cesaro breaks up the pin after a frog splash.

Rollins and Uso continue to control the match by grounding Bryan for several minutes. Bryan gets some breathing room, and he tags in Cesaro. “The Swiss Cyborg” clears house and drills Uso with a clothesline. Uso escapes the Swing, but Cesaro blasts him with a springboard uppercut. Cesaro hits a pop-up uppercut for a near fall. Rollins and Bryan battle, and Bryan dives onto “The Messiah” outside the ring. Cesaro nails Uso with another uppercut, but Uso catches him with a superkick. Rollins escapes the Swing, but Cesaro locks in the Sharpshooter. Uso breaks it up with a Superkick, but Rollins walks out on Uso. Cesaro capitalizes with a deadlift superplex, and Bryan hits the “Yes!” Knee for the win.

Winners: Daniel Bryan and Jey Uso

After the match, Bryan calls for Reigns and jokes about the champion’s threats. Cesaro catches a charging Uso and swings him while Bryan counts. Cesaro then drops Uso with an uppercut. Bryan and Cesaro continue to wait for Reigns while they insult his character. Bryan tells Cesaro to swing Uso again, and he does. Reigns’ absence allows Bryan to criticize his character even more. Bryan says Reigns is afraid of Cesaro because he knows he’d lose his title in a match with “The Swiss Cyborg.”

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