roh 19th anniversary

ROH 19th Anniversary Show Results (3/26/21)

In a promo, Dak Draper says Jonathan Gresham, but “The Mile High Magnum” is always the favorite. Draper says his natural gifts inherently lead to the pressure to succeed, something that underdogs don’t understand. He says he walks, talks and movs like a champion because he will be a champion, plain and simple.

Backstage, Josh Woods and Silas Young are doing an interview before Woods’ match. Young says Woods has flourished while he was gone, but he points out that “The Goods” still has a lot to learn. Woods says pure wrestling is about honor, but he won’t let Dalton Castle embarrass him again. Woods and Young argue about Woods’ preparedness for Castle. Meanwhile, Castle recaps how his matches with Woods have come down to simple mistakes. He says he knows how to beat Woods and emphasizes that this night could mark his final match in Ring of Honor. He looks back on his career and regrets the fact that his success just flew by. But Castle says he’s more fired up than ever before, so Woods is in trouble.

ROH Six-Man Tag Team Championship:
Shane Taylor Promotions (Shane Taylor and Sons Of Savagery) (c) vs. MexiSquad (Bandido, Flamita & Rey Horus)

MexiSquad attacks the champions during their entrance and dives onto them outside the ring. The challengers take control early on.

All three challengers gang up on Shane Taylor, and they isolate him. Flamita dives onto Taylor, but the big man rallies. Kaun tags in, but he doesn’t fare much better, as Bandido and Flamita double-team him. MexiSquad continues to control the match, but an argument gives Moses enough time to enter the ring and gain the advantage. The champions take the upper hand by ganging up on Flamita.

Taylor dives, but Flamita dodges him. MexiSquad rallies, but Flamita and Bandido continue to argue. Bandido carries his partners and dives onto Taylor for a triple splash on Taylor. Moses tosses Bandido into the ring post, and the Soldiers of Savagery plant Bandido with the Victory Lap (3D.) Flamita blasts Taylor with a superkick, but he continues to miscommunicate with Bandido. Taylor drills Bandido with a forearm and a knee to the face. Horus takes Taylor down with a a satellite DDT. The Soldiers of Savagery pin Flamita with Coin Till.

Winners and still ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Champions : Soldiers of Savagery

Bandido and Flamita continue to argue after the match. Flamita shoves Bandido, and Horus tries to calm them down. Flamita refuses to calm down, and Horus challenges his partners to a triple threat match.

Rocky Romero joins the broadcast team at the end of hour one.

Main Show: 

ROH Television Championship
Kenny King (defending the title for Dragon Lee) vs. Tracy Williams

Williams and King exchange technical holds at the beginning of the match. “Hot Sauce” gains the upper hand and grounds King. The stand-in champion turns the tables and takes the advantage. Both men keep going back and forth with technical holds early in the match. King nearly puts Williams away with a Tiger Bomb. The competitors battle on the top rope, and King blasts Williams with an acrobatic kick. Williams floors King with a DDT on the turnbuckle and hits a Spicolli Driver for a two count.

Williams and King trade chops, and Amy Rose helps King escape a Fujiwara Armbar. King low blows Williams and nearly steals the win with a roll-up. Rose tosses King the title belt, but Williams dodges it and pins King with a Piledriver.

Winner and new ROH World Television Champion: Tracy Williams

Mark Briscoe vs. Flip Gordon

Gordon and Briscoe immediately start trading blows. Gordon showcases his athleticism by flipping away from a strike, but Briscoe still gains the upper hand. Briscoe plants Gordon with a suplex. A running senton earns Briscoe a two count. Gordon nails Briscoe with a kick to the face. He knocks Briscoe to the outside with another kick. Gordon shows his mean streak by hitting Briscoe when he’s down. “The Mercenary” goes for a springboard maneuver, but Briscoe knocks him to the floor. A Blockbuster onto the floor gives Briscoe even more momentum.

Gordon drills Briscoe with another kick, but the former tag team champion keeps fighting. “The Mercenary” plants Briscoe with a superplex, and both men are down. Both men desperately trade strikes, and Briscoe rocks Gordon with a forearm and a boot to the face. Gordon hits the Flip-5 after a low blow for the win.

Winner: Flip Gordon

Dalton Castle vs. Josh Woods (with Silas Young)

Woods and Castle exchange technical holds and feel each other out. The match is a stalemate early on, but Woods targets Castle’s back and plants him with a suplex. Young and Woods argue, and the distraction lets Castle hit Woods with an elbow and a suplex.

Castle dodges a springboard leg drop, and he sends Woods crashing into the barricade. The former ROH World Champion is in firm control, as he grounds Woods for a few minutes. Woods rallies with a punch to the face, and he floors Castle with a flurry of offense. Woods displays his aggressive side by tossing Castle into the barricade. “The Goods” drills Castle with another punch to the face. He then powerbombs the former champion onto the barricade. Woods and Young argue when the veteran star tells his protégé to use a chair on Castle.

Castle plants Woods with a suplex, but “The Goods” fires back with one of his own. Young intentionally blasts Woods with a chair, and Castle pins him for the win.

Winner: Dalton Castle

After the match, Young says he has put his wants and needs aside to help Woods, but he says the young star continues to defy him. Young says this was the last time Woods defies him. He promises to hurt him in unimaginable ways in order to teach him about what it takes to be a real man.

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