ROH Final Battle 2021
Image credit: Ring of Honor

ROH Final Battle: End Of An Era Results (12/11/21)

On December 11, at ROH Final Battle: End of an Era, ROH delivered “the best wrestling on the planet” one final time.

The results are as follows:

ROH Six-Man Tag Team Championships: Shane Taylor Promotions (O’Shay Edwards and Soldiers of Savagery) (c) vs. The Righteous (Vincent, Bateman and Dutch)

Moses and Dutch start the bout and feel each other out. Dutch takes him down with a hurricanrana, but Moses drills the big man with a shot to the face. All six men enter the ring and start fighting. The brawl spills outside the ring. Kaun hits Vincent with a few strikes and drops him with an elbow to the face. Soldiers of Savagery double-team Vincent and get a two count. Vincent gets some breathing room and tags Bateman. Moses slams him with a Samoan Drop. Edwards tags in and takes the fight to Bateman. Vincent throws Edwards to the outside and dives onto him. Kaun follows suit and dives onto Vincent, but Bateman takes everyone out with another dive. Dutch and Vita VonStarr also dive onto the champions. Vincent hits the Redrum on Kaun for a two count.

The Coin Till and a top-tope moonsault from Edwards earns a near fall; it was so close that the timekeeper rang the bell. Edwards plants Dutch with a spinebuster. Vincent catches Edwards with an Orange Sunshine for the win.

Winners and new ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Champions: The Righteous

Jay Lethal hypes up his match with Jonathan Gresham and discusses the importance of his match with Gresham.

Bobby Cruise announces that the match between Lethal and Gresham will be for the original ROH World Championship.

Backstage, Brody King tells Rocky Romero to show everyone that he still has some “violence” in him, and he says “let the bodies hit the floor.”

The Hex (Allysin Kay & Marti Belle) & Chelsea Green vs. Miranda Alize & The Allure (Angelina Love & Mandy Leon)

Belle gains the upper hand against Alize early on. The Hex double-teams Alize and firmly takes control. “The Lucha Baddie” rallies, and The Allure isolates Green. A cheap shot from Alize helps Love maintain the advantage. Green perseveres and takes Love and Leon down with a missile dropkick. She tags Kay, and “AK” clears house with a flurry of offense. Kay and Belle hit Hex Marks The Spot on Leon, but Alize breaks up the pin. Love blasts Kay with the Botox Injection. Alize dives onto Kay outside the ring, and Green takes her opponents down with a diving crossbody. Leon hits the Astral Projection on Belle for the win.

WinnersMiranda Alize & The Allure (Angelina Love & Mandy Leon)

Eli Isom, Tracy Williams and Rust Taylor interrupt a “warning” from EC3 and recruit them to their side for their eight-man tag team bout against Violence Unlimited and Rocky Romero.

10-Person Wild Card Tag Team Match: Participants TBA

The teams turn out to be Brian Milonas, Beer City Bruiser, World Famous CB, Flip Gordon and PJ Black vs. LSG, Demonic Flamita , Will Ferrara, Sledge and Max The Impaler.

CB and Ferrara start the bout and feel each other out with some technical holds. Flamita and Gordon tag in and trade fast-paced offense. They’re evenly matched, and Flamita flips Gordon off when he offers a handshake. LSG and Black enter the bout, and a Rocket-by-Baby earns LSG a two count. Max tags in and squares off with Milonas. Bruiser attacks Max from behind, but Sledge tags in and trades blows with the big man. Black catches Sledge with a kick. Gordon blasts LSG with a kick of his own. CB drops Ferrara with a Dragon Suplex. Flamita slams CB with a powerbomb. Max slams Bruiser and squares off with Milonas again.

Max drills Milonas with a series of strikes and drops him with a Spear. Bruiser slams Max into the barricade, and Milonas squashes Sledge with a crossbody. Flip flips over the ropes and takes out several competitors with a dive. Sledge dives onto everyone, and Max suplexes CB onto a crowd of wrestlers. Flamita flips off the crowd and dives onto everybody. Gordon catches LSG with a cutter, and Black hits an assisted destroyer on LSG for the win.

Winners: Brian Milonas, Beer City Bruiser, World Famous CB, Flip Gordon and PJ Black 

ROH Final Battle: End of an Era Results Continue On The Next Page!