mike bennett
Photo Credit: Ring Of Honor

Mike Bennett On Facing Vincent At ROH Final Battle: ‘Someone’s Gonna Get Hurt Badly’

Mike Bennett recently posted a video to his YouTube channel and discussed his return to Ring of Honor as well as his pay-per-view return match at Final Battle.

Bennett shared his mindset on reuniting with Matt Taven to face Vincent and Bateman at this weekend’s pay-per-view, noting that Vincent has ruined what should have been a happy moment for him.

“[Final Battle] should be a happy moment, should be special, right? But I have a weird feeling. I have an uneasy emotion running through me because this moment that should feel special, that should feel like a family reunion, feels more dark. More disturbed….Vincent, this emotion that I’m feeling this uneasiness, this darkness is because of you. I want to be happy but I can’t. I want to be excited but I can’t. There’s that constant thing going on in my head that knows that you are not standing still while all of this is going on, that that stillness is you laying in wait.”

“And I can not put my finger quite on what you have planned or what you’re going to do or what that sick sadistic mind of yours is thinking next. But I can feel it. I can feel it in my soul, Vincent. So as excited as I am about Final Battle, as happy as this moment should be, it’s not. Someone’s gonna get hurt at Final Battle, someone’s gonna get hurt badly, and I wish that wasn’t the case.”

If you use any portion of this transcription, please credit Colin Tessier of WrestleZone.com 

RELATED: Mike Bennett: Leaving ROH Was My Biggest Mistake Professionally, My Return Is A Chance To Prove Everyone Wrong
