IMPACT Wrestling
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IMPACT Wrestling Results (12/15/20)

Tonight on IMPACT Wrestling, AEW World Champion Kenny Omega returns alongside his longtime friend Don Callis to perpetuate the notion that he’s the true champion of wrestling.

IMPACT Wrestling, December 15, 2020
Commentators: Josh Mathews & Madison Rayne

Show starts off with Kaleb with a K in the ring. He’s wearing a pink blazer suit and pink shorts to drop some more premium content. It’s all about Tenille Dashwood as he introduces her to the IMPACT Zone (or whatever it currently is). Kaleb snipes some pics.

Tenille Dashwood (with Kaleb with a K) vs. Alisha Edwards (with Eddie Edwards)

The two talk trash but it’s Tenille who slugs Alisha for some punches. Alisha returns the favor. She goes a for a flatliner but Tenille fights free. Takedown and plenty of trash talking. Senton by Alisha, but a kick out by Tenille.

Headscissors by Alisha, but Tenilles catches her with a neckbreaker on the ropes. Two count. Alisha is tied in the ropes as Kaleb goes for Kodak moments. Tenille covers soon and gets another near fall. Tenille stays in control and smacks Alisha’s head off the turnbuckle. Alisha elbow free and gives a kicks to Tenille on the apron followed by a clothesline in the ring. Alisha takes Tenille down again before driving herself into the corner. Running bulldog. Gets a cover, but only a two.

Alisha soon dives onto the outside onto Kaleb and Tenille, but Kaleb’s involvement allows Tenille to spotlight kick Alisha and Dashwood gets the W.

WINNER: Tenille Dashwood

Post-match. Eddie checks on Alisha but the feed gets cut by Sami Callihan. He sings The Mighty Mouse theme before he suggests that he and Eddie finally end their feud. He tells Eddie to have an amazing Christmas and to cuddle up to that family to enjoy the holidays because it might be his last. Feed cuts. Eddie wants to go at it now.

Josh Mathews updates us all to tell us Kenny Omega’s bus is here. He mentions that his good friend Karl Anderson is in singles action tonight against Chris Sabin.

MCMG are backstage and they’re talking about their tag team foes. From XXXL to The North, matters have panned out and they are at step number three of their goal: The Good Brothers. Sabin tells Anderson that they’re going to give him a little preview of what’s to come. There’s only room for two “Machine Guns” in IMPACT.

We cut to Kenny, Don and Karl on the bus. Kenny is insulted by Sabin’s remarks and notes that he didn’t even win The Best of The Super Juniors in NJPW. He tells Karl to go get him and we cut to break.

An irate Karl Anderson is going for Sabin but runs into Rich Swann.  He wants to settle this right now, but Rich questions who runs the show over there: him or Kenny? He tells Rich that he calls him Kenny while Swann calls him “champ.” In steps in the MCMG and off walks Karl.

Out comes Moose who says Willie Mack is out of action for weeks due to the pain Moose has put him through. He hurts people. He respects Rich Swann but he wants to him to ask Willie what pain feels like. Out comes Willie and the officials hold him back. He asks Mack if he really wants to make Moose angry. The thing that pisses Mack off the most is when the ref calls the match. Moose wants him to spit it out. He’s going to take matters in his own hands. At Genesis, he wants an “I Quit” match where he makes his own decisions. Willie brawls with Moose and security separates the two. Moose drops the injured Mack and begins assaulting security guards.

Backstage Moose says he’s tired of all these independent wrestlers putting his hands on all the security guards.

Rohit is with Chris Bey. Bey suggests if he unmasks Manik to reveal that he’s TJP, officials will have no choice but to give the X-Division belt back to him. Bey suggests that Rohit rolls with him and he does so. Commercial break, babayyy.

A new paid ad from Tony Khan and Schiavone. Khan states he’s going to let IMPACT keep seeing Kenny after he and Schiavone take some shots. Schiavone says he doesn’t even know where to find AXS TV. Khan calls out Don Callis and says he’s going to teach him some lessons about business. Schiavone runs down tomorrow’s Dynamite card. Khan welcomes Callis to come with Kenny tomorrow.

We see Eric Young. He talks about sickness. He says he lost his mother to sickness recently. Sickness has to be removed and then EY is shown sitting with a handcuffed Cody Deaner and he says he’s going to baptize Deaner in the “holy water of change.”

Chris Bey (with Rohit Raju) vs. Manik

Bey attacks Manik and stomps away at him in the corner. More kicks and shots to Manik in the corner. Headscissors by Manik followed by a modified torture rack that slams him down. He tricks Bey onto the outside before diving on him and we go to break.

Back from break, Bey hits an elbow off the back of Manik and keeps the masked man grounded. Bey gets Manik in a rock solid chin lock before Manik fights to his feet. Lariat attempt leads to a knockdown by Manik, but a back elbow downs him once more.

Knee drop and spinning elbow by Bey. Kick out at two. Manik elbows his way free and then downs Bey with a destroyer. Bey rolls him up for a cover, but Bey connects with a kick. A dropkick by Bey sends him to the outside. Manik goes under the ring. Rohit can’t find him. Ref starts the count as Bey waits. In comes Manik from behind. Diving cross body and then feeds  pair of knees to Bey in the corner. GTS to Bey. Manik stares down Rohit. Bey low blows Manik Flair back leg style. Rohit comes in the ring and Bey demands him to get out of the ring. Rohit gives Bey a cheap shot and the bell rings.

WINNER via DQ: Chris Bey

Backstage an irate Josh Alexander tells Ethan Page to get help after all the troubles The North has had.  Ethan agrees he will get help. He mentions a “we.” In comes Brian Myers to pitch him his tag team services. Alexander says he’s in a terrible mood and he thinks he’s ready to kick his ass.

Back on the bus, Kenny calls Swann “Rich The Bitch” and Don wants Karl to go back and get his name back. Kenny admits he’s kind of pissed off. This isn’t about Rich Swann. He apologizes for what he’s going to do and seems erratic.

Knockouts Titles Tournament (Semi-Finals)
Tasha Steelz & Kiera Hogan vs. Taya Valkyrie & Rosemary

Taya and Steelz start if off and Taya gets the better with a cross body. She works her in the corner and gets a spinebuster. Two count. Tag to Rosemary. They double-team Steelz and Rosemary sends her sailing with an exploder suplex. She pounds away at Hogan. Hair whip by Rosemary. Punches in the corner to Steelz, but Kiera catches Rosemary in the opposite corner with a kick. Steelz takes advantage and covers for a two count. Steelz corners Rosemary. She works her over before Hogan covers for a two count. They trade tags as they continue to isolate Rosemary. This goes on for quite some time. Rosemary battles back, but gets sent once again to their corner. Rosemary gets Steelz in an upside down on the ropes.

Hogan pulls Taya off the apron as they continue to dominate the match. Steelz cinches Rosemary in a sleeper. She soon climbs the turnbuckle and jumps off. Rosemary avoids and spears Steelz. Taya gets the hot tag. Tay hits a blue thunder bomb on Kiera and gets a near fall. Out come Deonna Purrazzo and Kimber Lee. They attack Rosemary as Taya fights off Steelz. Taya is pissed as Rosemary gets leg sweeped on the entrance. Steelz hits her spinning fisherman’s finisher for the W.

WINNERS and ADVANCING: Kiera Hogan & Tasha Steelz

EY is back with Deaner. He says Deaner is waiting to give back, but a sickness cannot provide. A sickness can only take from you. He says the parasite latched onto him and he couldn’t even see it. We see Joe Doering opening a jail cell and it’s back to break.

Kiera and Tasha try to celebrate their win as they wonder how they should handle their wad of cash situation with Fallah Bahh. In comes Johnny Swinger to crash the party. The two are disgusted and leave, but also leave their bedazzled fanny pack. Swinger discovers said wad of cash.

Josh Alexander vs. Brian Myers

The two start off feeling each other other and Alexander rolls through a wrist lock to better Brian, but Brian shows his athleticism and gloats outside. Ethan Page runs down to the ring and Myers slams him into the ring post. Myers begins to further attack Alexander back in the ring.

He chokes Alexander on the ropes and talks trash to Josh in the corner. Drop toe hold and covers for two by Myers.

Alexander gets back on offense, but it’s Myers who delivers a back suplex that powers Josh down. He begs Alexander to get up, but Page enters as The Karate Man and kicks Myers down. Bell rings and Alexander loses. Match is over as Page delivers more kicks. Alexander exits out of the ring upset.

WINNER via DQ: Brian Myers

Back with Eric Young, Cody Deaner is literally baptized. He is officially free. This world doesn’t belong to them…it belongs to us.

Acey confronts Dreamer. Larry D is in jail and he believes he’s been set up. He tells Acey to prove it false. Tommy runs into Cousin Jake and Rhino. He suggests that Jake and Dreamer end Rhino and Doering before it gets worse.

Karl Anderson vs. Chris Sabin (with Alex Shelley)

Anderson and Sabin square off in the ring and jock for position. Karl forearms the elbow of Sabin, but Sabin squirms his way free and rolls it to a reset.

They circle and Chris gets a side headlock. Anderson pushes him off. We see Kenny and Callis sitting in the bus (picture in picture).

Sabin is in the corner, but Karl is in control as he sends him crashing into the corner. Anderson gloats before picking Sabin back up. Shot to the mid-section of Sabin. Anderson boots at Chris and remains in control.

Sabin does get a tilt-a-whirl headscissors on Karl which sends him to the outside, but Anderson trips up Chris and we cut to break.

Karl Anderson continues to dominate Sabin. He works the leg of the MCMGunner. Anderson then works the left arm of Sabin and keeps him grounded.

Sabin gets to his feet and the two knock heads with one another. Both are down as they try to shake the cobwebs. Both stand up at three and it’s Sabin on the offense. Flying back elbow in the corner and Sabin dives off with a cross body for a near fall.

Sabin picks Anderson up but Anderson reverses. Sabin gets a running boot in the corner to Karl before hitting a tornado DDT for a close call. Sabin picks Karl up, but Anderson fights back. They trade shots.

The two hit two double clotheslines in a row. Both dudes are down.

Later on, Anderson hits a big time spinebuster, but it only gets a two count for Karl. He’s mighty frustrated. Karl goes for the gun stun, but Sabin has a backslide on him. Two count. Karl rolls him up with a handful of tights for the victory.

WINNER: Karl Anderson

Post-match, Kenny and Don celebrate. Rich Swann begins to follow Anderson around and it motivates Kenny to leave his bus. Krl slugs Swann and in come the Machine Guns. Out of nowhere come Doc Gallows. Swann fights back but Kenny nails him out cold. This then leads to Don Callis booking Kenny & The Good Brothers against Rich Swann and The MCMG at Hard To Kill. We even get a Bullet Club name-drop to boot. End of show.