aew winter is coming

AEW Dynamite ‘Winter Is Coming’ Results (12/2/20)


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AEW Dynamite, December 2, 2020
Daily’s Place, Jacksonville, FL
Commentators: Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone & Excalibur

Tonight on AEW Dynamite, Winter is Coming as Jon Moxley defends his AEW World Heavyweight Title against Kenny Omega, Chris Jericho takes on Frankie Kazarian and there’s the second annual Dynamite Diamond Battle Royal.

Jim Ross says “winter is definitely here” as he heralds tonight as the biggest night in Dynamite history.

Dynamite Diamond Battle Royal

Spears and Sky have not gotten in the ring as all other men brawl. MJF shows solidarity with Sammy and Wardlow in an in-set promo. Spears still hasn’t gotten into the ring. Reynolds and Silver take out Serpentico. Hangman lariats him out and The Dark Order celebrate with Hangman,

ELIMINATED: Serpentico

Dark Order eliminates Luther.


Shawn Spears finally gets in the ring and attacks Sky while MJF helps out Sammy. Spears tosses out Matt Sydal onto the runway.


Sky tosses Shawn Spears out as Tully watches on.

ELIMINATED: Shawn Spears

Spears gets his glove from Tully and slugs Scorpio. He gets tossed.


Marq Quen kicks Alex Reynolds off the apron and then he and Hardy eliminate John Silver.

ELIMINATED: Alex Reynolds and John Silver.

Dark Order save Hangman from elimination briefly, but then Hardy lariats out Hangman.

ELIMINATED: Hangman Page

Kip Sabian gets tossed by Orange Cassidy who gets pulled under the bottom rope and gets attacked by Miro.


Lee Johnson eliminated by Miro. Miro eliminates Hardy, Marq Quen and Janela

ELIMINATED: Matt Hardy, Marq Quen & Joey Janela

Wardlow and Miro face off as Sammy and MJF and Jungle Boy are down. The two slug it out. Inner Circle eliminates Miro and it’s down to Sammy MJF and Wardlow against Jungle Boy,


Jungle Boy and Sammy duel it out so Max shoves both of them off. It’s down to Wardlow and MJF, but Orange Cassidy wasn’t actually eliminated. Wardlow makes that known as Wardlow does the dirty work. Orange shoves Wardlow into MJF and almost gets him eliminated. Orange soon delivers Orange Punches to both men and then tosses Wardlow.


WINNERS: Orange Cassidy and MJF

Frankie Kazarian vs. Chris Jericho

Bell rings as Frankie and Jericho circle one another. Lock-up, snapmare by Kaz, but both men get to their feet. Reset.

Jericho takes off his belt and whips it at Frankie. He wisely utilizes the ropes. Frankie slugs Jericho hard as Chris dangles off the apron. Near fall by Kaz. “Frankie” chants occur. Headlock and the two meet together with shoulder blocks. Chris pokes Frankie in the eye and Aubrey Edwards admonishes. Dropkick by Jericho and it sends Frankie to the outside. Jericho drinks it lall in. Kaz trips him up on the apron and Frankie leg drops him. Hager takes a swing at Kaz but he avoids and lariats Ortiz. Hager grabs the leg and Chris makes the most by hitting a codebreaker after that brief distraction. Chris sends Frankie to the outside once more as we go to picture-in-picture.

Back from break, Chris hits a standing vert suplex. Jericho flexes for the crowd and there’s big “Jericho” chants. He punches Kaz in the corner but gets caught for a backslide for a near fall. Several lariats by Kaz. Diving forearm by Frankie who is fired up. He goes for a dropkick, but Jericho holds on to the ropes. Jericho goes for a Lionsault and Kaz gets his legs up. Leg drop and near fall by Kaz. Kaz soon hits a Flux Capacter for such a close fall.

Jericho goes for a Codebreaker, but Kaz locks in a Walls of Jericho. Ortiz hops up on the apron and Hager tries to get him off. Out comes MJF who wants to throw in the towel for Chris. Sammy snatches it, irate. Chris notices (may thought it was Sammy) and Kaz gets some close falls. The two go back and forth but Chris hits a Judas Effect for the win.

WINNER: Chris Jericho

There’s plenty of confrontation between MJF and Sammy after the match. Chris tells them to stop this shit. They have seven days to work it all out or The Inner Circle break up forever.

Alex Marvez is with The Young Bucks and they’re taking on TH2 next week. Nick asks Marvez if he remembers when they superkicked him in the face.  If TH2 beats them, they’ll give them a shot at the titles. In come Castor and Bowens and they run down The Bucks. Castor raps a bit, ripping on their book and in come TH2 for the attack.

Britt Baker (with Rebel) vs. “Legit” Leyla Hirsch

Britt cuts a promo on Leyla which prompts Schivanoe to call her a bitch. Very funny. Bell rings and Leyla goes for an armbar. Britt crawls to the ropes. Leyla is getting the better of the good doctor. Headlock by Hirsch but Britt rolls it around on her. Leyla gets the headlock again. Snapmare by Britt, but Leyla goes for the cross armbreaker. Britt grabs the teeth of Leyla.  DDT by Britt. She gloats a bit as we go to picture-in-picture.

Back from break, Britt is trash talking Leyla and the two trade punches. Big knees and shots by Leyla. Britt goes for a powder and Rebel tries to console her. Tope onto Rebel after Britt sacrifices her. Slingblade by Britt and she stomps on the hand of Leyla on the apron.

Back in the ring, Leyla goes for the cross armbreaker once more. Britt soon rolls over and goes for the Lockjaw, but Leyla turns it over for an armbreaker. Britt frees herself and goes for a kick, but Leyla catches and kicks Britt. Leyla climbs up top and Reba hops on the apron. Britt drives Leyla into the center turnbuckle. Twisting neckbreaker followed by a lockjaw for the submission win.

WINNER: Britt Baker

Immediately in comes Thunder Rosa as the two duke it out. Officials come in to break it up. Rebel gets a cheap shot in on Rosa but Leyla suplexes her hard for her troubles.

Darby Allin & Cody Rhodes vs. Team Taz (Powerhouse Hobbs & Ricky Starks w/ Taz)

Fight immediately starts in the ring. Hobbs gets tossed to the outside as Starks and Darby go at it. They corner Starks and we go to break.

Starks is still getting worked on by Cody and Darby as Hobbs haven’t even been tagged in. Stalling suplex onto Ricky Starks. The two trade chops in the ring. Tag to Darby who wrenches the arm. Starks runs to the outside and it allows Powerhouse Hobbs to lariat the facepaint of Allin. He throws him hard into the barricade. Front chancery by Starks leads Darby to Team Taz corner and Hobbs gets the tag. Stalling suplex by Powerhouse.  Starks and Hobbs vault Darby up in mid-air and Starks goes for the cover. Two count.

Ricky tags in Hobbs who uses his weight on top of Darby. Hobbs grips Darby on the mat as Darby screams in pain. Hobbs soon tags in Starks and the two adversaries collide their heads together. Starks tags in Hobbs who charges in ans stomps on the back of Allin. Back bearhug by Hobbs before turning it around and rag dolling him. He sends Darby into their corner and Starks chokes him with his boot. Darby tries to fight back, but Hobbs grabs him by the ears and vaults him over.

Darby soon flips out of belly to backs by Team Taz and tags in Cody. He’s hot tagging like a madman. Taz and Arn get on the apron, allowing Starks to gouge his eyes. Starks soon counters a Cross Rhodes attempt. As Cody vaults himself off the turnbuckle for a cutter (which he hits on Starks), Darby tags himself in, nails The Coffin Drop and gets the W.

WINNERS: Darby Allin & Cody Rhodes

Post-match, Arn and Taz get physical. Out comes Dustin Rhodes and then comes Brian Cage. They’ve attacked Arn and then go after Dustin before beating the hell out of Cody. THe lights soon go out. Winter flurries are on the big screen and out comes Sting! He stares at Cody, Arn and then Darby Allin. Very amazing segment.

The crew announces that Tony Khan signed Sting to a multi-year deal and they also promote that Sting will speak next week.

Alex Marvez is backstage with Hikaru Shida and asks her about being intimidated by Abadon. Hikaru says she isn’t afraid of a cosplay zombie but we hear noises in the background and Shida looks a bit stirred. She asks Marvez if they can start over and Alex says this is live (pal).

Jon Moxley is all ready for his match tonight. The two best wrestlers in the world. Tonight, two warriors go at it and the stakes couldn’t be higher. There’s only one thing to do, go out there and make them go absolutely “banana” (very nice cap tip to the late Pat Patterson – RIP).

AEW World Heavyweight Championship
Kenny Omega vs. Jon Moxley (c)

Bell rings and off we go. The two stare one another down and talk trash. Don Callis joins them on commentary. They tie it up and it begins very back and forth as both men get a feel for one another.The two lock hands and Kennny cinches in a headlock. Mox nails a shoulder block and then flips a snapmare.Kenny rolls him for a pin attempt. Mox maintains the headlock. Shot in the corner by Kenny. Hard chops from Kenny, but Mox fires back and lariats him hard in to corner. Kenny catches him with a rana.

Fight goes to the outside and Kenny launches Mox into the barricade. Suplex by Mox outside. JR wants the ref to get the action back in the ring but the brawl continues to the outside. We go to picture in picture.

Back from break, the men continue to go at it on the outside. Kenny gets Mox back in the ring and goes for a cover. Two count. Kenny continues to stomp on the leg of Mox in the corner. He wrenches on the leg over the ropes. He does a running dropkick to the grapevined leg of Mox. Omega charges at Kenny once more but Mox nails a major lariat on Kenny.

Kennt soon has a rolling leg lock on Mox who fights to get to the ropes. Arm wrench and then chops to Mox. Thigh kicks and chops now. Kenny hoists Mox up in a fireman’s carry but Mox counters with a release German. Another release German. Mox goes for an exploder suplex and finally nails it after a headbutt. Cover, but he gets a two count. Tony Schiavone commends Mox for his awareness. Mox does a flipping suplex slam and covers for another near fall. Next picture-in-picture break.

Back from break, Mox hits a Paradigm Shift on Kenny. Mox is all kinds of angry and tosses a bunch of chairs in. THe ref tries to talk him down but Mox have other ideas. He invites Kenny to sit down and implores Kenny to hit him. They trade slaps. Palm strikes turn to punches. Back and forth they go until Kenny nails a V-Trigger out of the blue. Snap dragon suplex. Another.Kenny goes for another V-Trigger but Mox turns it into a German. Mox then catches hard with a King Kong lariat. Mox signals for the end and he hits The Paradigm Shift. A slow cover and Kenny kicks out at two. Mox goes for a tope on the outside and Kenny catches him with a V-Trigger instead.

Kenny smashes Jon in the corner before hitting a Tiger Driver ’98 for the near fall. Hard kicks from Kenny, but Mox catches the leg and Kenny still hits a V-Trigger. The two trade finisher attempts. Dropkick by Omega. Kenny gloats a wee bit. Rip cord V-Trigger and goes for the One-Winged Angel. Mox fights free and Kenny rolls him for a major back suplex for a very near fall.

Kenny falls off the corner rope before Jon can knock him off and the ref stops the ongoings. Paul Turner implies Kenny hits the side of his head, but Mox comes through the throng of officials to roll Kenny back in the ring. Don Callis gets up and says that Kenny is hurt. Mox slugs Callis. Kenny slowly gets to his feet and Kenny hits Mox with the mic that Callis dropped. Mox is bloody. Multiple V-Triggers. Nonstop.  One Winged Angel gets Kenny the pinfall and the title.

WINNER and NEW AEW World Heavyweight Champion: Kenny Omega

Post-match, Don Callis celebrates with Kenny and JR thinks that it was all a set up by Callis. Major screwjob angle. They walk past an angry Tony Khan and locker room as they flee the scene of the crime. Marvez catches up with Callis who tells us all to tune into IMPACT Wrestling (yes, not a typo!) this Tuesday for answers from Kenny. Wowsers. End of show.

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