wwe thunderdome

WWE Is Recycling ThunderDome Fan Footage, Lana Swallows Raw Eggs To Get Ready For Asuka

Noted wrestling fan Jessi Davin caught herself on the screens inside the Capitol Wrestling Center on last night’s episode of NXT — the only problem being she was watching AEW Dynamite last night.

Davin shared a screenshot of herself on the NXT broadcast during a Breezango segment but says it’s recycled footage because she was actually watching AEW last night. It’s worth noting that Davin said she has no problem with being featured again and actually found it flattering. She pointed out that WWE likely has it in their Terms And Conditions agreement fans sign to enter the ThunderDome for the first time. When checking the T&C on the registration page, it does say WWE owns the footage and can edit and air it as they choose.

By participating in WWE ThunderDome and inputting your name below, you certify that you understand you will be photographed, videotaped or otherwise recorded (video and/or audio) by WWE (“Footage”). You grant WWE the sole, irrevocable and exclusive right, including the right to authorize others, to use and incorporate the Footage, in whole or in part, in conjunction with other photographs and footage, and the right to use your image, name, screen name, voice, likeness and/or biographical information (collectively, “Likeness”) in connection with the exploitation, advertising, promotion and/or packaging of the Footage or any WWE initiatives, promotions or campaigns and/or any product into which the Footage may be incorporated, including but not limited to, inclusion as part of the WWE ThunderDome of another WWE program, editorial, commercial, trade, print, advertising, promotional, radio, television, home video, motion picture programs, sound recordings, video games, social media related activities and games or for any other purpose at such times and in such manner as WWE may elect throughout the world in perpetuity (and in any event for a period of not less than one hundred years as permitted under local law obligations or, where not so permitted, for a period of fifty years or the longest period which is permitted), and to broadcast, exhibit and/or exploit the same in any and all media, whether now or hereafter known or devised (including, but not limited to, television, radio, motion pictures, streaming, downloads, online, physical media, print and public display) (“Products”). Subject to the separate data protection notice set out below, you grant any other consents, waivers and permissions it may otherwise be necessary or desirable to give under, and to the fullest extent necessary permitted by, local law obligations to enable WWE’s use of the Footage and/or Likeness in the Products. You further acknowledge and agree that WWE shall be under no obligation to use or exploit the Footage and/or Likeness; that you shall not be entitled to any payments, residuals, monies or other compensation arising out of WWE’s exploitation of the Footage and/or Likeness in any manner, that subject to local law obligations you hereby release, discharge and agree to save and hold harmless WWE, its licensees, successors and assigns, parent corporation, subsidiaries and affiliates and its and their respective officers, directors, shareholders, employees, advertisers, insurers, and representatives from any and all claims of liability arising out of any use of the Footage and/or Products; and that the Footage shall be the sole and exclusive property of WWE in perpetuity. In this regard, the Footage shall be deemed created for the benefit of WWE as a work made for hire as defined in the United States Copyright Act of 1976 WWE, its designees and broadcasters may edit or alter the Footage without your approval and without notice to you but if you do own any rights in the Footage (including but not limited to the right to exploit, copy, distribute, edit, broadcast, perform, communicate to the public, participate in the benefits of resale, transform and create derivative works) you hereby assign them to WWE, free of charge, on an exclusive and worldwide basis, and for the full term of protection, as and when they are created, for all purposes whatsoever, including but not limited to commercial use, advertising and marketing. If necessary or desirable, including as a result of local law obligations, you will enter into any further agreement or undertake any other action as deemed necessary by WWE to give effect to the above. If you choose to allow a minor appear in the WWE ThunderDome, you are certifying that you are the parent or legal guardian of that minor and are agreeing to these Terms on behalf of you as well as the minor.


Lana is taking quite the approach to training for her championship match against Asuka, and Liv Morgan can vouch for her.

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