IMPACT Wrestling Results

IMPACT Wrestling Results (8/4/20)

, 2020
Report By Lovell Porter for

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TNA Championship Match: Moose (c ) vs. Heath

Heath dumps Moose over the top rope. Heath sends Moose into the barricade. Moose sends Heath into the barricade. Moose and Heath take turns slamming each other into things. Moose surprises Heath with a stun gun. Moose steps on Heath’s throat, redistricting his ability to breathe. Moose continues his assault until Heath fires up. Heath lands a few strikes before hitting the ropes and running right into a dropkick from Moose. Heath surprises Moose with a high knee strike.

Moose bounces off the ropes into a leg lariat by Heath. Heath rolls up Moose for a near fall. Heath accidentally whips Moose into the referee. Heath hits the Wake-Up Call but the referee is down. Heath pins Moose but there is no one to make the count. Heath wakes up the referee. Moose low blows Heath and grabs a handful of tights for the win. 

Winner and STILL TNA Champion, Moose!

Motor City Machine Gun Interview

Jimmy Jacobs congratulates Sabin and Shelley on there return to IMPACT. Shelley says they put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into this business, and to prove that all of their hard work has paid off they had to come back to IMPACT. Shelley says he is honored to be Sabin’s partner. Sabin says when he was rehabbing his last ACL tear he knew that he needed Shelley by his side. The North interrupts. Alexander complains that they were never given a chance to tell their stories when they were the tag champions.

The MCMG are getting preferential treatment. Page yells that the MCMG only face The North at 30%. Page is livid. Shelley says so what. Of course, being champions is hard. You can’t take the titles to the grave with you. Shelley offers to give them a title shot right now. Page says they still aren’t at 100%. Alexander adds they will take their title back at the next PPV. 

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