ROH Ring Of Honor
Photo Credit: Bill Pritchard

ROH Wrestling Results (5/18/20): A Spotlight On Dalton Castle

ROH Wrestling Results 

Aired May 17, 2020 

Report by Colin Tessier for

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The show opens with a video package of Dalton Castle; he welcomes viewers to the show. Castle describes his experience as a wrestler during quarantine and his new workout habits. He says he’s grateful to be a part of Ring of Honor and recaps some of his memories with the company. Castle reflects on his ROH World Championship match with Cody.

ROH World Championship: Cody (c) vs. Dalton Castle

[The show excerpts of the match.] Castle reverses the Crossrhodes and locks Rhodes into a submission hold. Rhodes taps out, but the referee is down. Rhodes hits the Crossrhodes for a near fall. Castle hits a Bang-a-Rang for the win.

Winner and new ROH World Champion: Dalton Castle

In a sped-up montage, Castle makes pizza at his house. He reflects on his run with the Ring of Honor World Championship and calls his match with Mary Scurll his biggest challenge. He says he put a lot into that match and recaps his injuries both before and during the match. Castle says he’s proud of that match.

Ring of Honor World Championship: Dalton Castle (c) vs. Marty Scurll (Replayed from ROH Supercard of Honor XII)

Both men feel each other out and exchange technical holds. Scurll flips Castle off and plays to the crowd. Castle flips him off, too. Scurll grabs his umbrella but the referee stops him from using it. Castle takes Scurll down and grounds him. The champion suplexes Scurll but he accidentally clotheslines the ring post. Scurll shoves Castle into the barricade and DDTs him on the floor. The Villain rocks Castle with stiff strikes and counters a Bang-a-Rang into a pin attempt for a two count. Castle drops Scurll with a stiff knee to the face. Castle and Scurll battle on the top rope, and Scurll hits a superplex. He rocks Castle with a kick.

Both men battle in the aisle and Scurll back-drops Castle onto the steps. Scurll slams Castle shoulder-first into a turnbuckle. A modified Ghostbuster earns Scurll a two count. Scurll unhooks a turnbuckle but Castle stops him from using it. The champion rallies with some stiff strikes and drops Scurll with a clothesline. A bridging German suplex earns Castle a two count. Scurll hits Castle with some stiff kicks. Castle slams Scurll on the floor. Scurll tries to use some powder, but Castle kicks it into his face. Scurll, blinded, attacks the referee and breaks his finger. Castle hits The Villain with a Bang-a-Rang. But the referee can’t count the pin. With no referee present, Scurll hits Castle and The Boys with the umbrella. The Villain hits a Brainbuster but the referee is late to count the pin, so Castle kicks out. Castle rallies and suplexes Scurll. The Villain tries to lock in the Chicken Wing but Castle powers out of it. Scurll locks it in again and breaks Castle’s finger. The Villain stomps Castle’s head repeatedly but Castle counters the Chicken Wing into a pin attempt for a two count. Castle hits a Bang-a-Rang for the win.

Winner and still ROH World Champion: Dalton Castle

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