IMPACT Wrestling Results

IMPACT Wrestling Results (5/5/20)

IMPACT Wrestling Results IMPACT Wrestling Results
May 5, 2020

Report By Lovell Porter for

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In-Ring Segment: Sami Callihan

Callihan says he sees everything. The referee stopped his match with Ken Shamrock because they thought he needed help. Callihan says he doesn’t need help from anyone. That’s why Callihan did what he did to oVe. Callihan demands that Shamrock come to the ring. Shamrock says he has something to say. Shamrock gives Callihan props for not tapping out. Shamrock says they have two options. They can go outside and fight or they can shake hands and both move on and continue their individual quest for the IMPACT Championship. Michael Elgin interrupts and says he is the real number one contender. Shamrock tells Elgin that he talks too much. Callihan tells Elgin if he had a shot he would just choke like he always does. Elgin attacks Callihan. Shamrock and Callihan fight off Eglin. Shamrock tries to shake Callihan’s hand again. Callihan pulls out his phone, presses a button, and disappears. 

Backstage, Chris Bey says he is going to win the X-Division Championship and he is going to do it tonight. Bey calls the title the Finesse Division Championship. 

Backstage, Willie Mack agrees to face Bey tonight.

oVe vs. XXXL

Larry and Fulton start off the match. Fulton runs over Larry. Larry bodyslams Fulton. Romero lands a splash. Larry and Romero work over Jake. After the break, oVe is working over Romero. Fulton picks up Romero and hits a running senton. Romero manages to tag in Larry, who is a house of fire (chuckle). Larry lands a strike that knocks out Jake for the win. 

Winners- XXXL

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